• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

Prayers for Lisa


I'm going to say something which may be controversial to some of you, but I don't care. I'm not having a good week. First the controversial part is that one of my radio idols passed away this week. Yeah, I know, it was Rush Limbaugh. I used to work in radio and really, Rush really did save AM radio. You may not like his politics, and to be honest, neither did I when I first heard of him, but I grew to like him and his humor. The next bad thing this week is my niece lives in Texas and I'm very worried about her and her family. I haven't heard from her yet, and so I'm still waiting to make sure they're all right. And then, this morning a triple whammy. I was really hoping that Lisa was starting to get better. I really was. Honestly, I don't know how much more bad news I can take.

Thank you Chris for keeping us informed on her condition. My deepest condolenses to you, Alisa and Paul at Hivewire and to Lisa's family. God bless you all.


Lisa was a very lovely person who I always enjoyed communicating with. She was friendly with everyone and a person full of heart. I was unaware about her health issues because we had not spoken for a bit due to all the chaos in the world today but I was extremely sad to learn of her passing this morning. I hope all of her friends and family are dealing well with this news as she's not really gone. You can read her words, see her art and enjoy the photo's she shared online with everyone. People who didn't even know her will learn of her from these things because what we share survives beyond us.

In Lisa's case, she was also a 3D product creator and, if I may be so bold, might I encourage those who loved her to use her products to create art to share your love for her. Post it here and let the world know about Lisa so that her memory will continue to survive like a beautiful flower that renews itself every year to remind us of its beauty.


Just learned the bad news by somebody on Fantasy Attic forum.
All my condoleances to her family.
I'm sure she is now in a big garden, looking herself for her huge family on Earth, you all Hivewire people.


This is such sad, sad news. Though I didn't know her, she's been a part of my 3d circle for the better part of 20 years. Some of her oldest products still grace my hard drives. What a loss. Condolences to her family and friends.

To everything there is a season...

Goodbye Lisa. Rest in peace. :flowers:


Contributing Artist
I was very happy after hearing that Lisa's health was showing signs of improvement; but this news has made me very sad. I have no words to express what I feel right now. My condolences to her family, friends, and all who are mourning her passing.:cry:


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
I had just logged onto Slack for the Poser 12 beta members and they were talking about it. My mouth dropped open and my heart went very heavy and sad and it broke when I came here to read the official from Chris. This is the saddest news! My DEEPEST condolences to everyone that was close to her and her family. I was so hoping that she would pull through and get back to life but I guess God had different plans for her sweet soul. May her souls rest be a good one until called to life again! :cry:


HW3D Exclusive Artist
Lisa I will miss you so much...I am still just in shock since Chris told me yesterday. I've been a fan of yours for so many years and I was so happy when we met at ArtZone so many years ago and got to know one another. Getting to be a part of HiveWire with you and Chris was a dream come true. I will miss your friendship, laughter, talent, creative spirit and so much more.

Lots of Lisa's spirit in this piece...I will think of you every time I see a flower real or 3d...



Lisa was one of the first really impactful people in my exploration of 3d art. I have almost all her botanicals and am impressed with the vibrancy and details of her florals. She continuously brought a smile to my face every time she released a product. Prayers and hugs to her family.


Dragon Queen
Contributing Artist
I wanted to do a picture with all of Lisa's flowers, but I have more than 60 of her packages so I couldn't do one picture with all. But still, I wanted to do a special picture for her. I mean, she provided me with one hell of a garden and it's always in bloom and nothing ate the flowers or the plants.
The background is a photograph and the daffodils and heather are real, and as they were 4 days ago when the blizzard quit. But the crocus are "Signs of Spring" with "Spring Garden" and "Saffron".
