I am really glad to hear that it was sorted so easily for you. The fear of what would happen if Poser was sold has been there ever since the deactivation feature was quietly add the the Game Dev version so this has nothing to do with Rendo in that sense. Nice to see they appear to be on top of it.
I am kind of curious of what happened. I have Poser 11 Pro and 10 Pro GD and use them both in a regular basis. So far I haven't noticed any issues with licenses locking me out, except once last month when internet connection dropped and I couldn't launch Poser for a little while. Internet has dropped over the years, and that was the only time this has ever happened to me. Maybe I was lucky? My multiple Poser versions licenses seem to be still working alright.
The quality of the models on Hivewire is as good as in the other top stores, but there is one thing that I think could keep some users from trying some products here: promo images often have a different feel from those of the other stores; they often look "older" or of a lower quality. So, some people may think that the models here also actually are lower quality. At least this is my perception,
Conversely, I remember people claiming they couldn't get their own renders to look anything like the promos from certain stores, and that was frustrating to them. That used to be a prevailing situation for years, until people understood that's just how it is. Besides, some stores have more cash to spend on advertisement, and some don't, and that's a fact of life. Like it was said above, pretty doesn't mean better. More recently, I have purchased some Dawn products at Rendo, and noticed QAV used to be more strict when I was a vendor there than it is today. The body morph doesn't work in some poses, and that wouldn't pass QAV here at HW, no matter how pretty the promos might be. Based on experiences like that over the years, I feel more confident buying here than anywhere else.
I think, and this is just my estimation from posts I've seen on various forums over the years, but there are some vendors in other stores who have others do their promo renders for them. There's no hard and set rule that I'm aware of which says the promo images have to be done by the vendor(s) who created the product.
Now that you've mentioned it, I have that impression as well. Each vendor, as an artist, have their own art style, but the promos on certain stores seem too "uniform", as if all done by the same people. It is rather unlikely that all these different people would happen to make promos using the same camera, framing and lighting styles. The "normal" would be for each to have a different way of rendering scenes. So much that some people claim they can tell when a render was done by me because of a certain look. An artist's style is like a fingerprint signature.
Maybe it's just me, but I hold my products dearly enough to insist of doing my own promos for them. They are my babies, and other people wouldn't understand them like I do. I may not be the best promo artist, but I feel like I am the only one who knows how they should be presented to the public. That's ironic because I loath doing promos - I really do.