Anybody want to start a petition to get SM to improve the CP store?
Yes, I would... but I don't think that ever matters.
My feeling is when you have a company like SM that has other business software, the "consumer graphics" products tend to be be looked at as kid stuff.
Look at their home page...
It may be reading into it a bit, but listed at the top is:
Service Provider - Enterprise - Internet of Things-OEM.... aaaannnnnd lastly.... Graphics-Consumer
I don't think that is coincidental.
It's probably not meant in a derogatory manner, but their first priorities are going to be the stuff they feel brings them the most money and enhances their corporate reputation the most.
Most people who visit that home page probably have no clue what any of the stuff in their "Graphics-Consumer" do.
In "business" if you have two identical items and label one "Business Solution" and the other "Consumer", you basically labeled them "Big Kids Toys" and "Baby Stuff"...
"Consumers" don't look down on stuff like that, but people who like to think they move and shake, do.
I'm not saying SM views these products like that, but I would wager against the majority of the people who are looking for their business products thinking that way.
Although in the "Tech" industries I've had little contact past 04', I've seen that tons of times in aerospace and medical... It's weird how sometimes companies acquire an unrelated or semi-unrelated company for whatever reason and just don't ever really know what to do with it...
They don't kill it, but they don't really grow it... Maybe it was an investment they thought they'd explore, but their main concern started taking more of their efforts...
There are a million reasons... but more often then not, the concerns of the lesser product/venture falls to the wayside and there ends up being a "Sure, we'll deal with that (problem) as soon as we have time" kind of attitude.
Once again I don't want to imply that's what is going on at SM, but so many times stuff like that is far removed from anyone who could make an impact...
You have so many layers and so many people that "know better", that it's fairly useless... It's like Change dot Org trying to get a foreign nation to change their policies... Or this gove... (Never mind, I'm gonna avoid going down that road)...
If anyone does petition them with good ideas... I'd sign along.
Maybe it's just my newfound general lack of belief in "people power", coupled with world events since November of 2016, but my faith in the power of the common people to effect the decisions and policies of business or gover(... I can't seem to force myself to type the rest of that word...) has greatly diminished.
But still... If someone is willing to go that way, I'll add my .0002¢ (current value of my opinion on the open market) as well as my signature.