Grinch time!
It’s sad to relate but it appears that there are still some parts of Wales where you can be ostracized simply for not being Welsh, a sad fact that I thought had died out long ago! A friend of ours who teaches at our Lucy’s school was down there recently (Carmarthenshire) with her husband touring the area in their camper and decided to stock up on food at one of the shops at a small village near the border with Pembrokeshire. She went in and the man behind the counter talking (in English) to two women, looked across and smiled at her. Until that is, she said good morning at which point they turned away, switched to Cymraeg (Welsh) and ignored her until she left the shop.
Come on you people. What was that all about? The words stupid, ignorant and xenophobic spring readily to mind. As if the world wasn’t in enough trouble already!
Still on the subject of language and buzzwords, which have been on my mind of late. OK! We all use buzzwords, none more so than in the computer world. Many of them have even passed into the English language. But when does a buzzword become a mere stupidity? That all depends on whether you’re a rail fan (or trainspotter if you live in the UK) or not. I recently went down to Preston on a shopping trip with the little one, and while we were waiting for the train (our Lucy loves them) from Lancaster we stood at the end of the platform watching the goings-on. Nearby were two rain fans (trainspotters) loudly discussing the phots and viddies they’d accumulated and I was sorely tempted to cover Lucy’s ears before I realised they were talking about photographs and video’s. Right! I know what a photograph is, even a photo, which is a commonly acceptable (and understood) abbreviation, and I’m entirely familiar with video. But phots and viddies? Try saying them yourself. They’re actually harder to say than photos and video.
So, at what point does a buzzword, which is generally used to identify yourself as belonging to a specific group become a stupidity which only serves only to corrupt a language (any language!) which has been evolving for thousands of years?
OK! Rant over and I’m heading over to Lisa’s ‘I Love’ thread as soon as I kill this Grinch!*
*Oops! Sorry! I mean terminate the designated subject with extreme prejudice!