I don't mind snakes to look at but please don't ask me to handle one
but I'd happily hold a lizard (well, maybe not a Goanna, those suckers bite and you can get a bad infection from them, nasty).
When I lived close to Sydney and my in-laws came to stay, Mum-in Law pulled me aside and said I had rats in my kitchen, I laughed and said, no, I had a couple of lizards that came inside sometimes as they liked the heat from under the fridge. She didn't believe me until we were watching TV and this big lizard walked past the door (it was approx 75cm, roughly 30inches). Kinda surprised me too as I hadn't seen that one, the other couple were only around 25cm
Up here in Qld its quite common to get little house geckos inside, but if I find one I quickly take them out or they become dog food or cat toys.
I'm an animal lover. I love all kinds but Horses in particular, then Dogs and Cats have always been my faves, but I like quirky pets too. I just can't stand spiders of any size (they can be only a couple of millimeters big and I'll still get the heebie jeebies) or scorpions. I'm ok with alot of other insects as pets like stick insects, but I find cockroaches gross
(I guess growing up believing them to be disease ridding little creepies doesn't help).
Oh and Szark, spotty frogs are good too
Bring on more photos guys (even if they're pets we've seen before), got to get the daily does of "awwwww"
When I lived close to Sydney and my in-laws came to stay, Mum-in Law pulled me aside and said I had rats in my kitchen, I laughed and said, no, I had a couple of lizards that came inside sometimes as they liked the heat from under the fridge. She didn't believe me until we were watching TV and this big lizard walked past the door (it was approx 75cm, roughly 30inches). Kinda surprised me too as I hadn't seen that one, the other couple were only around 25cm
Up here in Qld its quite common to get little house geckos inside, but if I find one I quickly take them out or they become dog food or cat toys.
I'm an animal lover. I love all kinds but Horses in particular, then Dogs and Cats have always been my faves, but I like quirky pets too. I just can't stand spiders of any size (they can be only a couple of millimeters big and I'll still get the heebie jeebies) or scorpions. I'm ok with alot of other insects as pets like stick insects, but I find cockroaches gross
Oh and Szark, spotty frogs are good too
Bring on more photos guys (even if they're pets we've seen before), got to get the daily does of "awwwww"