Miss B,
Yes, two of his poses have go-to position poses for our HW cowboy hat to have him holding it.

I will end up having to make a note in the read-me about how to use those go-to's... but the basic of it is that you have to load the hat, (leave it floating in the air) and parent it to whichever hand the pose calls for... THEN you apply Dusk's body pose, THEN you select the hat and apply the go-to pose.
Doing it any other way, and the hat will NOT go where it's supposed to. It's a little bit of a runaround, but the only way I've found that will enable me to ship the go-to's for people to use the hat "as seen" on the poses.
I try hard to make sure that whatever content I'm displaying.... that the zip contents match. I won't use the hat in his hand, in a promo for the package, for instance, if I could not get the go-to positions to work. It's misleading and false advertising to my way of thinking.
But yes, we do have a couple of poses that use the hat, and I have gotten at least one method for doing a go-to position on the hat.