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Mischief and other things


The Wicked Witch of the North
I am so sorry to hear this, FL, I do hope your landlords will be able to do the repairs and you don't have to move.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Today my brother spoke to the president of the church that owns this place.
Someone will come out in the morning to see what the damage is and put a tarp over it temporary.
We already know that the foundation has been damaged as well as the walls.
to fix just the roof will mean it all has to be stripped and a whole new roof put in.
I don't think they are going to do the walls and foundation and electrical work.
any way we go about it we will have to move so we are going to start getting some boxes and packing while we look.
Here is an image of the ceiling as it is now, does not include the damage above the other panels there.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Well someone came out, but not here, they went to the church and started doing that roof.
So my brother went over to talk to them and was told that it will have to wait till they get done roofing the church.

We've been lucky that it hasn't rained again but we are due more early next week.
They won't even take time to put a tarp over the thing...sigh.

My nurse and social worker came today to check my breathing, it has worsened since this happened, all the plaster dust.
Both are angry but to send the inspectors out would cause us more problems as they will condemn this building.
We still haven't any leads on a new place and rent will be higher...ugh.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Yeah, they finished the church roof, still have cleanup to do but that won't be till Monday.
They did not come over here and now it is supposed to rain again tomorrow.
We will be flooded again.
I am sure the church board members could take time to check and have those roofers do something.
It gets me how they all got to church every week and make a big deal of being "Christian" but can't take care of this problem.
They know that my brother and I are in ill health, me with COPD, him with heart issues and COPD.
Yet they can't do anything to make sure that the house which own is halfway decent to live in.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
They've made my brother angry so he said after we move he is calling the building inspector, the fire inspector and who ever else he needs, to get this building condemned.
It is unsafe as is and they will not spend the money to do decent repairs.
His daughter is going to go to Walmart and buy some large rolls of plastic and stuff to anchor it down, then we need a tall ladder and someone to go up and put it on the roof.
I hope it will do as the rain may move in quick.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Well the church roof is done, they held services this morning and my brother caught the president of the council as he came out.
More excuses and when Paul asked about someone with a tall ladder coming out to put up the stuff his daughter bought to cover the leak, he was told they don't have time.
Now the clouds are moving in for the rain we are predicted to get, more drenching in the house, more plaster to fall...sigh.
When we move, these people will be paying as we intend to send the building and fire inspectors out.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
My brother's daughter and her husband came over with a ladder and the roof is getting covered with the stuff they bought on a temporary basis.
Maybe we won't get wet this time.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Oh glad you're getting that patched up for the time being, and I'm with you . . . send the regulators after them, and they'll think twice about doing something like that again.


Contributing Artist
Glad you got some help Faery...and I second what Miss B said. Some people are just disgusting. They have a responsibility to their tenants to maintain the property.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Paul got so angry he pulled up a news channel thing where you can email thing like this.
He had my daughter use her writing skills to tell them what is going on and how they are just ignoring us.
We may hear from the news people soon.
most of the church council are older folks so they should know...you do not piss off old people. we are already pissed off at being old!
On another note: I went to give our fur babies some food this morning and found a mouse was in it, trapped.
The dog food (dry) is stored in a big plastic trash can and that mouse could not jump out.
As I was not in killing mode I caught it in a container and released it out side.
It leaped and jumped all over the yard heading for our neighbor's building, which does not bother me because they are always dumping trash in the yard.
I hope that little mouse gives them hell. :roflmao:


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
My brother really got angry and this time he filed a complaint with the Attorney General's office.
Now we are just waiting till they notify the church council...:laugh:.

On another note: I am feeling a little better, bp and oxygen back in normal ranges but still tire easy.
Meanwhile I am working a little each day on my 3D goodies. :)
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Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Tummy scope done, I have an haitial hernia but it doesn't appear very bad yet.
Everything else okay except minor irritation in the esophagus from reflux.
They took a biopsy and I will get results of it later.
Glad to have that over with, now no more tests, they are getting harder to recuperate from.
It took all day yesterday and all night just to feel a little better after that...sigh.
Now on to more 3D work!
Working on an image for the Creatures of the Night contest. :devil" :)


Contributing Artist
Take it from me, get the hernia fixed asap (its taken them years to decide to do something about mine and now instead of keyhole its a major op :()


Contributing Artist
I'm in a similar boat Fairy I'm going to hopefully get my stuff done at Christmas if I can organise it hopefully before it gets too bad. Not a hernia for me but a prolapse.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
I was hoping to stay out of mischeif for a bit, ha!
This morning I had another mini stroke, in hospittal at moment.
I can't even have water until I see the speech therapist and get a couple more tests done.
Thies one caused me to not be able to move at all for about fifteen minutes, then my left side would not work right.
Still a few effects from it so I have to stay at least overnight.
Keep me in your thoughts an a prayer or two won't hurt.
I will update when home again.