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Members Mugs (Mugshots)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
It's from a memorable trip I made to the Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia. Indeed, outstanding place.
It looks outstanding, and probably would make great backgrounds for some 3D scenes. I hope you took lots of pictures, and get to use them. ;)


Now waitaminnit'! I'm a thinkin that Gracie might just have enjoyed getting all dressed up. That picture shows you and Gracie were of one mind. Don't you be sellin' Gracie short!

Wow that looks like fun!


HW3D Exclusive Artist
Now waitaminnit'! I'm a thinkin that Gracie might just have enjoyed getting all dressed up. That picture shows you and Gracie were of one mind. Don't you be sellin' Gracie short!

Wow that looks like fun!

Thanks! LOL she was such a patient and willing mare so yes she did put up with mom's wacky ideas, but yeah she really hated it when I would dress her up, which I did do a lot:) She would always give me a look like "oh come on, really???? Do I have to? You better not laugh!!!"


Dream Weaver Designs
Oh trust me Miss B they can get some very interesting looks on their faces! @CWRW your Grace sounds a bit like my Misty, would put up with just about any thing but give you such a look!


HW3D Exclusive Artist
Oh trust me Miss B they can get some very interesting looks on their faces! @CWRW your Grace sounds a bit like my Misty, would put up with just about any thing but give you such a look!

LOL exactly, Dreamer! When this pic was taken we had been together for over 15 years, many of them here at home with me. One gets to know a horse's face REALLY well after that kind of time together:)


Dream Weaver Designs
Yep, I didn't get that long with Misty, (she was about 16 when I got her), but I spent just about all day every day with her and there were times I was very glad she couldn't talk!


HW3D Exclusive Artist
Yeah, Grace and I had 21 years together, then Juanita and I had only 14 years, and I've had my current guy now for 5 years. The last 2 were/are always at home with me so yes one gets to know every little quirk and look they come up with:)


Dream Weaver Designs
She was the only horse I never fell off ether, though there were plenty of times I should have been eating dirt lol


HW3D Exclusive Artist
She was the only horse I never fell off ether, though there were plenty of times I should have been eating dirt lol

It's ironic that Gracie was the horse I fell off several times as she was the "safest" of my horses, but we also did a lot of pretty crazy stuff like eventing and some pretty hairy rides in the mountains here. It was never her fault though! I was a very novice rider (and very young and fearless too:) when I got her and I rode her bareback all over the place. I never fell off Juanita and knock on wood I haven't come off Flash yet (and don't plan to:), which is good coz I don't bounce very well any more like I did in my Gracie days:)


Dream Weaver Designs
Yep I rode bareback and nine times out of ten just halter and rope no bridle. Full speed gallop down the paddock, last second 90 degree turns and all lol. Yeah I don't bounce so well now ether and haven't ridden in far too long