This is a very good thread!
Thank you, ibr_remote, for keeping up with the Japanese freebie sites, and passing along the great finds.
For anyone interested, you can download and use the MQO (Metasequoia 3D modeler) models with the free versions as well. No need to have a paid version. I downloaded the praying mantis models from the 3DCG_Nameniku site ibr_remote linked above, and opened them all the way back to free version of Metasequoia LE R2.3b (several years back).
You can use free version of Metasequioa Ver 4, or there is still Ver 3.0 LE available to download, but you probably need to get it soon as he has removed all other previous Ver 3 series builds when he moved on to version 4, and will likely remove this one at sometime too.
Export conversions can be done with TrueSpace and Blender for use in Poserverse.
Also, Blender can open MQO models directly with the free addon Meshio/Blender26-Meshio, but there are some caveats for a mesh to open up correctly. Example would be the mantis model; It does not open correctly due to the MQO file being unfrozen (virtual mirror and SDS). The mesh needs to be frozen in Metasequioa, and resaved for Blender's addon to open it correctly. In Blender terms, it is equivalent to having open modifiers attached to mesh, but not applied. It's for software internal usage only - you need to finalize mesh for outside use.
You can find a version of Meshio for Blender 2.77 (works in 2.79) as pymeshio/blender26-meshio here:
pymeshio/blender26-meshio at master · ousttrue/pymeshio · GitHub
Hope this helps...
can't see without invitation :-(These are the links which I monitor ( on my own blog) for updates and freebie announcements, in case you want to check them out yourselves:-
3D References: Japanese and Taiwanese 3D CG Blogs with freebies for Poser / Daz Studio
oh - so sorry - I did not update that blog for so very long ! I decided to make it private because I thought it would no longer be up-to-date. My apologies for the wall. It is very out of date for the Japanese links, and in general. You may just do a Google search and get more relevant results.can't see without invitation :-(