Very nice indeed Ken. What software did you use to draw that?And now for something completely different... This place was a block away from the hotel my sis and I stayed in Punta del Este (Uruguay), back in 2015. I like how it came out. ^^
Very nice indeed Ken. What software did you use to draw that?
I actually bought the first Rebelle version when it came out, but I am too used to Paintshop. Have been using it since the times of JASC, before Corel acquired it. I also have ArtRage, which is very good and as cheap as Paintshop. I use it for sketching.
I've had PSP since version 6, then 7, 8 and 9. Once Corel got their hands on it and started switching it to Photo manipulation, I switched to Photoshop. I do still have PSP 7 on this laptop, because it's nice and easy for quick screenshots, but I do most of my 2D graphic work in Photoshop.
I remember JASC as well, that really does take me back but I felt it was a good, cost effective program even then. Not sure where I started but it was at least versions 6 as I remember doing the upgrade to the version 7 anniversary edition. I wasn't too sure when Corel took it over but finally upgraded and it was OK. I have skipped a couple of upgrades along the way but I now use Paintshop Pro 2018 and remember using PaintShop Pro X9. I like some of the additions with the pro version such as Perfectly Clear and although it is an addition cost I also like Particle Shop. For the last week or so I have been getting the pop up for an Upgrade to version 2019 Ultimate at £55 which is not bad but since full retirement is now upon me I have to make very careful decisions on any purchases and I need to review what has changed before I decide.
These days, what often forces the issue of an upgrade is when you have to replace hardware and the new OS won't run the old version. Extra features bedamned. One wants access to one's familiar tools.
I've been with PSP since V1.0 when it was just slightly more than a bitmap editor and format converter. IIRC - the only formats back then were bmp, gif, pcx and jpg (not even JPEG yet) and only 64 crayons in the box, too! (ok, maybe 256 and maybe a couple more formats.) It was either free or just a few dollars back when. (EDIT: Maybe 'shareware'?)
(Gosh, I AM becoming an old fart reminiscing about the old days! <Using crotchety old man voice...> "You kids today! Back in my day, I had to manipulate photos barefoot, in the snow and uphill! And we were damn glad to have an 8-bit color palette! Now, get off of my yard... er, web page!") Hey, still better than hand dabbing B/W prints with gray inks to remove 'dust on the negative', and cutting amberlith or rubylith masks!
I like to think I have 'grown up' with PSP from JASC days to current versions. I think Corel has done PSP justice. According to Wikipedia - October, 2004 was date Corel aquired JASC. (Must be true if it's on Wikipedia..)
I have skipped an upgrade or two along the way. Corel usually honors their "introductory price" for 2 versions back. Of course, that is subject to change from them I am sure. Like you, not sure the latest updates are that big a deal - not a 'gotta have' list for me, for certain. But the 'free' software they add on usually make the deal better and hard to turn down. Not at home computer, but there is a package they offer as a 'special edition' version that seems worthwhile to have in my software library. Full version of that software is like $70 US. I can't remember name (another sign of becoming an old fart) - it adds motion to the images - reminiscent of those old cylindrical lamps that had a waterfall and stream that moved because of the mask rotating inside the lamp.
Oh well, enough ramblings from an old, man.
I can't remember name (another sign of becoming an old fart) - it adds motion to the images - reminiscent of those old cylindrical lamps that had a waterfall and stream that moved because of the mask rotating inside the lamp.
That would be "Photo Mirage", but don't buy the PSP 2019 upgrade just because of it, because the included version is the "Express", meaning they removed all the options to resize, compress and save the animations. That is, you can only save to a single fixed tiny animation size, with limited number of frames, and no support for better compression. As if not enough, you can't even save the project to edit later. You can only export, and the moment you exit, your project is lost. What a joke. Not surprisingly, Corel makes this "Express" version nag you constantly to BUY the real version.
So does anyone know who Vampirella is?.