Coo someone who follows my stories, I am not sure if I am flattered or worried

I don't think I have ever specified a profession for her, not here at Hivewire anyway. You are however correct that I did state that she did some volunteer work as a nurse...well remembered.
OK as you have asked a direct question I will try and answer, and if this does not get people to question my sanity nothing will.
In essence Caoimhe is a time traveler which allows her to have multiple professions, at least on the face of it. More important, to the story at least, is how fate has decided to plan out her present, past and future. She was born into race that not only understood the physical existence of the human soul but a way to harvest souls from the dead, long after death with the right equipment and techniques. As with every such discovery it can be used for both good and evil and, in her world the trend is definitely swayed heavily to the evil design of things. Fate has decided she is a member of a small underground group who's aim is to reverse this trend, often at great cost to their own well being. Members of the group carry mark which they inherit at birth that can only be seen by other members, hence the scorpion mark Caoimhe has on her left shoulder.
The situation is complicated when Turlough arrives on the scene after saving her younger sister and, as a result is yanked from both his planet and time, earth about now, by accident. Caoimhe is immediately drawn to him as reminds here so much of a previous love, a fellow member who lost his life for the cause some years earlier. Trouble is that he appears to know things that he should not know, have skills that someone from his time should not posses but when challenges he appears genuinely not to understand or be able to explain (there is a good reason for this but this revelation come at the end of the story and we are only part way through the journey). Conversely there are aspects of his new life that overwhelm him, he hates using teleportation devices despite their widespread use and is not comfortable with many other devices and practices of her time, understandable considering his origins. This leaves Caoimhe wondering if she should fear him, trust him, mother him or maybe even just love him.