Awesome textures Laurie!
Yes, I have to admit those beards are pretty fantastic--though sadly they still look like twigs in Superfly.Poser's dynamic cloth is the #3 reason I could never switch from Poser to DAZ Studio (the #1 reason is that DS's UI makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever--but that's personally preference--and #2 is I absolutely love Poser's material room--it seems, in my extraordinarily limited experience, much more flexible and versatile than DS's). I have to admit that the iRay renders I've seen seem to have a bit of an edge over Superfly, though; Superfly seems to barely register bump maps and displacement maps, which are pretty integral for realism.
On my computers LAMH is unstable. But a lot of other people have got it to work beautifully. When it works it comes out fairly gorgeous.
Of the three main PBRs you usually see, iRay definitely seems to produce the most consistent results over Superfly and Reality/Luxrender (no disrespect meant to either; I've seen great results from both and used both--but iRay seems to have an edge over them in terms of overall quality). I really am enjoying the learning experience of working with Superfly, though--having it natively within Poser is so much more convenient than Reality/Luxrender.DS now has a dynamic cloth script that allows users to make things dynamic using the more limited dynamic cloth plugin that we were PROMISED a similar solution for but it never came. SO now a good person created a script that does what we have been wanting.
iRay has a very robust set of surface options and we do have a nodes room as well (an area I'm too scared to deal with) lol
Best of the best coming out the House of Hive!
Oh my good gosh! Fantastic work Chris! Wow!
I have a request … that you might not have thought of - cats often express themselves by pricking their cheek whiskers forward… the whiskers stay in the normal straight (not drooped ) lines but they come forward … Think of how a horse who's very interested will "prick its ears forward" with intense concentration or focus ... Well cats can actually have their cheek whiskers come forward a bit when they are very focused in a positive way. AI'm not sure if there are any photos of this on the Internet and I can't do a search with my hand problem right now... It's just something I've read about and seen in my own cat . when heonce the food I have just opened out of the can and he's happy his whiskers come forward a bit I'm trying to think of what angle that would be …
Wait I did find something- on this page : Your Cat’s Whiskers
specifically :
Your cat’s whiskers can also reflect her mood. When the whiskers are hanging loosely on either side, she’s probably relaxed. When getting ready for battle or is frightened, the whiskers are flattened against the face to prevent damage to them. When on the alert or hunting, the whiskers are forward-facing to aid in prey detection.
so a whisker forward and a whisker back would be a wonderful addition
dances around with excitement over this kitty cat !!!