It didn't make sense to register through Network Solutions once other companies were able to register domains. Which is why I transferred my domain registration to Dreamhost once they were able to offer registration. Network Solutions was the only choice though when I first registered
In 19 years, I've never been dissatisfied with Dreamhost hosting or customer service. Can't say that at all for my previous web hosts. Even at work, we went through several web hosts when we decided not to host in house a few years ago. All those companies sounded good. But the customer service was horrible. Management wouldn't consider Dreamhost because they don't offer phone support. The end result? We're hosting our websites inhouse again.
Clearly, finding a webhost that is actually reliable and good at customer service is just as difficult now as it was 20 years ago. They all promise, but they don't all deliver.
Unlike a lot of other companies out there, Dreamhost doesn't inundate you with emails trying to upsell you to their other services. They do let you know when they have added new features or products, but it's always seemed rather low key to me. And I really,
really resent companies that send me email after email trying to get me to upgrade to new features or more expensive plans.
The Knowledge Base also includes documentation on how to
transfer your domain name registration away from Dreamhost. I like that Dreamhost understands people aren't always happy with a company and that they don't make it difficult to leave if you're dissatisfied for any reason.
One click installs also make it easy to install Joomla, WordPress (if you still are interested in blogging), phpBB, and several other applications, as well as setting these installs to be automatically updated.
The newest Dreamhost feature is Remixer, which allows you to "build a website in minutes." Of course, it took me a wee bit longer than a few minutes, because I didn't want a cookie cutter website. Consequently, it took a bit of trial and error to find the "chords" that would do what I wanted. (Chords are the individual template sections you add to your page). Remixer still needs some work, but they've been responsive to customer requests. Like being able to create multiple pages instead of a single page.
You'd think Dreamhost was paying me to promote them! I promise they aren't! I just know how frustrating it is to put all that effort and money into a website and web host and then get substandard hosting and service. I switched to Dreamhost after my site had been down for days, and I was getting nowhere with that web host. Hopefully, they no longer exist :wink: