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Getting used to new habits for Coronavirus....


Here in NY they shut down all trains for several hours every day so they can all be cleaned and sanitized.
Yeah, when I heard they were sanitizing the subways I was like “Whaaaaaaat?”
Not because I didn’t believe them... mainly because the stuff that lives on the surface of subway cars will kill anything... So no way coronavirus is surviving on that...
I’m pretty sure if one had coronavirus and licked* the handrails or poles in the 7 train, it would cure them of coronavirus in a few minutes...
Of course they’d die of something entirely different shortly thereafter, but I can’t see coronavirus surviving long there... (ride the J train at 3 AM and you’ll know what I mean)...
(actually... NEVER ride the J train at 3 AM)...
(unless you are fleeing something from the B train at Delancey St.)...
(but then again I’d still try and get on the F)
From what I understand NYC’s C.H.U.D.** population is composed mostly of individuals who licked subway surfaces and survived... well, depending on one’s definition of survival.
The weird thing is seeing the C.H.U.D. wearing face masks... that really gives one pause to think... and then run... definitely run...

*Never lick anything or anyone on a NYC subway.

**C.H.U.D. - (Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers) as seen in the 1984 documentary of the same name.


Contributing Artist
Here in Victoria our lockdown has eased we're now at 15 days of zero cases and zero deaths and regional victoria has been reunited with Melbourne. So I'm feeling pretty good about where we're at as a state. Still don't go out much but I'm beginning to do more slowly. I want to see how well it lasts before doing too much. Once things are more back to normal and everyone has gotten to get over the feeling of lockdown it will be interesting to see if we get more cases. Sydney still has some community transmission, at the moment more than Victoria...mask wearing is still compulsory and I actually think that's a small price to pay. Shepparton had an issue a short while back but it was easily contained and I think a large part of that was due to mask wearing.


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
Here in France the numbers are high, but we know not really how much they really are.
This Gov. did not stop lying in any direction. They had a huge fight last week or two weeks ago? -In the Assembly National, where the opposition accuse them to fake the statistic with mixing everything up. The responsible minister even agree with it ,,that maybe they mix up here and there some numbers which does not belong there :mad: ".
So nobody know here real honest numbers. Our tests are also useless , way to sensitive ,which get already criticized from many doctors, nurses. We have to much false positives . At the end, people do now whatever they have to do. Did not listen to any advise anymore.
Yesterday the Police Bomb a Party with 300 people. As they say, it was a orgie. Alcohol en masse, Shisha pipes on every corner, condoms..None was arrested, not one of of them had to pay a ticket.
But normal citizens who make a short walk with their dog and forget the attest and get controlled, has to pay 135 €.
No wonder more and more people gather now the streets and call for an end of this "masquerade" .


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
Finally we have all our papers together for the big move.
Monday morning, after 8 when the truck arrives to pick up our stuff we will hit the road.
Will be a rough day and night, we will sleep one night in an empty house because the truck will arrive the next day with our stuff :whistling: But hey, at last we made it. :D


  • Capture d’écran 2020-11-17 064705.jpg
    Capture d’écran 2020-11-17 064705.jpg
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Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
YAY! Glad to hear you'll be in your new home soon. That looks like one heck of a trip that's for sure. I don't think I could drive straight through for so many hours, so I'd probably go about 1/2 way, and then spend the night in a motel to rest up for the rest of the trip the next day.


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
YAY! Glad to hear you'll be in your new home soon. That looks like one heck of a trip that's for sure. I don't think I could drive straight through for so many hours, so I'd probably go about 1/2 way, and then spend the night in a motel to rest up for the rest of the trip the next day.
We share the drive my husband and me. We take his car, because it is big and comfortable for the long drive and the dogs. ( I have a little Zoé car from Renault , electrique , so not sure with it) but it will get picked up from a service and delivered a few days later. Complicated with this Covid stuff, but there are no Hotels open ( at last those we call) ,so we have to drive in one rush.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Ahhh, at least both of you can take turns driving and "napping". That would certainly make the trip easier.

As far as my comment about finding a motel for the night, that was a general statement, as I know it's not something I could get accomplished these days.


Contributing Artist
New South Wales has had zero local cases in the past 7 days and 1 overseas case in quarantine.

Face masks are not compulsory in NSW.
Yes...NSW's has improved in the last week...now I worry about South Australia's outbreak. Not sure what number to believe as I have heard 20 and also 34. Interesting how Fed Government and papers respond so differently this time.
Here in France the numbers are high, but we know not really how much they really are.
This Gov. did not stop lying in any direction. They had a huge fight last week or two weeks ago? -In the Assembly National, where the opposition accuse them to fake the statistic with mixing everything up. The responsible minister even agree with it ,,that maybe they mix up here and there some numbers which does not belong there :mad: ".
So nobody know here real honest numbers. Our tests are also useless , way to sensitive ,which get already criticized from many doctors, nurses. We have to much false positives . At the end, people do now whatever they have to do. Did not listen to any advise anymore.
Yesterday the Police Bomb a Party with 300 people. As they say, it was a orgie. Alcohol en masse, Shisha pipes on every corner, condoms..None was arrested, not one of of them had to pay a ticket.
But normal citizens who make a short walk with their dog and forget the attest and get controlled, has to pay 135 €.
No wonder more and more people gather now the streets and call for an end of this "masquerade" .
I really needed a care emoticon for this post. Lockdowns are hard...I know the police tried to use common sense here with the fines but were often criticised for either being too easy or too hard. I suppose it's all a matter of perspective. I'm glad your shift went well.


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
Ahhh, at least both of you can take turns driving and "napping". That would certainly make the trip easier.

As far as my comment about finding a motel for the night, that was a general statement, as I know it's not something I could get accomplished these days.
Relaxing maybe ,but napping, no. While my husbands dog is a sweet girl and is quiet , i have a dog who is like "Are we there yet? " :D. So no napping LOL


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
Yes...NSW's has improved in the last week...now I worry about South Australia's outbreak. Not sure what number to believe as I have heard 20 and also 34. Interesting how Fed Government and papers respond so differently this time.

I really needed a care emoticon for this post. Lockdowns are hard...I know the police tried to use common sense here with the fines but were often criticised for either being too easy or too hard. I suppose it's all a matter of perspective. I'm glad your shift went well.
Here in France , nothing make sense anymore.
Our numbers are wrong, to much false positive to much deaths with had nothing to do with Covid get in the Covid statistique .
French are locked up, borders are wide open. Everybody can enter France without problems. Even without valid documents, but I need a special certificate to make my necessary move to another departement.
The psychological damage is immense. This gov is ruling with fear and terror. My sister in law, directrice in a elemantary school is soo angry.
She told me, the children are so traumatized with this constant atmosphere of fear ,that it breaks her heart to see them. More and more parents apply again to home schooling because the little children are in constant fear. She told me on the phone this weekend that some parents claiming that their little children don't want to remove their mask anymore, even at home not, not in the bed, not when playing , because "They don't want to die"!
What are we doing to our children? Are we aware of this immense damage we do to them? This is all so wrong.
The peak of suicides is high , bankruptcy, poverty, depression, family drama. 15% raising of home violence in France the last months.
More and more people receive the diagnosis "suicidal depression". It almost double during the last few months.
I don't know how other countries manage it, but France manage it horrible. We have a stop and go, every week new measures, new rules, de-confine -confine back.
You can not live like this.
Nothing makes sense here either.

Such as recently watching a young cop trying to ticket a carer for going into a disabled persons house to provide care. Something that because the carer admitted to doing daily also made that carer "a multiple repeat offender", so the top tiers of fines could be applied. Between 4-10,000 pounds

In contrast the same cop refused to ticket any of the 8 people (from 5 separate households) who where having a noisy party. Even though that openly breached the rule of 6 and lockdown V2 regulations.

Why ? Because "everyone needs a party to relax".


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Hmmm my birthday was Tuesday and I went to my son's house Wednesday for dinner. Thursday night his wife got really sick really fast, then my son last night. She's going to go get tested for covid if it's not gone in a few days. Sounds like they might just have the flu but it is concerning. They both say they are smelling okay but have lost their appetite. My Granddaughter is fine. Go figure.
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Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
What about their tastebuds? Can they taste whatever they eat? I heard that's a sign as well.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Oh, that's not good at all. You better not go to their house for a while, and unless you have an absolute need, don't have your son come to your house. Even if he doesn't test positive, he'll still be around someone who does have it, so can transmit it.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Ohhhh, I read that wrong. I read it as daughter-in-law, which is her son's wife. Now I realize I made a wrong comment.

Sister-in-law probably refers to a brother's wife, but I'm not sure about that relationship.

Nevermind, she WAS talking about her son and daughter-in-law, and THEN in a second statement, mentioned her sister-in-law. Damn this old brain ain't what it used to be. ~shakes head no~


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
Hmmm my birthday was Tuesday and I went to my son's house Wednesday for dinner. Thursday night his wife got really sick really fast, then my son last night. She's going to go get tested for covid if it's not gone in a few days. Sounds like they might just have the flu but it is concerning. They both say they are smelling okay but have lost their appetite. My Granddaughter is fine. Go figure.

So sorry to hear this, hope they recover fast.
When my husband and me had Covid 19 ,the symptom's was heavy headache and tired . My taste was gone and I could not smell well. My husband had still both sense ,but had a little fever for 1 day. I think in normal times we would think by those symptom's of lack of sleep and stress. Or even would not notice it.
But everybody react different to a virus.
Loosing appetite I use to have also with the normal cold or flue.
So maybe they have really just a normal flue. Crossing fingers :love: Wish the best for them.