And not to forget, if we can not move by time, we are simply bankrupt. With selling our house ( which we just buy new 1 year ago) we loose a lot of money. And when i say a lot, I mean it. No new job, a new house 500 km far away from here, one house sold where we have to move out till end of the year.
Yes, I remember you mentioning that, and I can't imagine how hard that will be to cope with.
Currently pure horror. My husband was yesterday evening talking with the human ressource from the new company he will work for, she also urge the administration for the permission document. Lets cross fingers.
The worst thing Miss B, is that many people call us egoistic because " it is all about money". But here is the thing. We are not alone in this situation,100.000's are in the same boat. The last lock down in France created between 800.000-1.2 million new un-employment. They are still counting, because little shop owner how get bankrupt are still in the legal process . They are bankrupt, but still wait for the justice decisions.
So, minimum 800.000 who pay no tax anymore ,but get now money from the system. Which means less tax money, less to spent for the gov on health care, social money. They raise tax, which is anyway horrible high here. People will buy less stuff, more shops will go bankrupt. They estimate that till end of the year more than 1 million people will get newly unemployed. Again less money for the gov and less for social payment and healtcare. How much un employed did they want till all crash? And when there will be not enough money anymore for proper health care?
I read in le Figaro last week, to save the live of 1 covid 19 patient, it cost French taxpayer 6 million € . This is money which has to earned at first, but when less and less tax payer are there, what to do?
Macron is a coat turner. Not really much people here take him seriously anymore.yea Macron seems a lot more focused on keeping fishing 'rights' in UK waters than anything else.
Could not say it better. Here is the same full chaos. Bar's , restaurants are closed. But you can buy alcohol....but no books. It is forbidden to visit your mother for her birthday , but you can use the MétroYou can buy flowers in the supermarket, but not in a flower shop...and the list oc incompetence goes on and on.
In the Vosges , when you live in a range of 1 square meter from the forest, you can enter the forest. But not a park. Makes all no sense .
Alisa, the question is, died the people with or from Covid? Here in France more and more people question the statistiques and ask for honest numbers. Many, many cases are simply wrong . One example, a colleague from my husband was telling him 3 weeks ago that his mother who had cancer in end stadium and was on morphine since 2 weeks died. Everybody except this in the family that she will not survive the year. After he went to the hospital to pick up her stuff ( they could because it happened before the new confinement) , on her door was a note pined "died from covid 19". He asked what this supposed to mean? Well, they said she was positive of Covid...she goes in the statistique of Covid dead, even when she died from her Cancer. This is wrong.Let's see.. USA over 126,000 new cases and over 1000 deaths yesterday![]()
Hope so too. Becomes quite annoyingSo sorry Anima. Hope things turn around for you soon.
Alisa, the question is, died the people with or from Covid? Here in France more and more people question the statistiques and ask for honest numbers. Many, many cases are simply wrong . One example, a colleague from my husband was telling him 3 weeks ago that his mother who had cancer in end stadium and was on morphine since 2 weeks died. Everybody except this in the family that she will not survive the year. After he went to the hospital to pick up her stuff ( they could because it happened before the new confinement) , on her door was a note pined "died from covid 19". He asked what this supposed to mean? Well, they said she was positive of Covid...she goes in the statistique of Covid dead, even when she died from her Cancer. This is wrong.
And now more and more people are claiming that their relatives who die go in Covid statistiques, even when the cause of their dead is something different. But when they are positive, even without symptoms, they are in.
They need to be honest with us.
Let's see.. USA over 126,000 new cases and over 1000 deaths yesterday![]()
Trouble is actually collecting covid death numbers is very difficult and even if you could count those that have died directly from covid it is not the full story. Here in the UK there are a number of deaths that were possibly due indirectly to covid such as cancer patients whose treatment has been suspended not to mention those who do not present to the medical team for fear of covid. I know that it helps to have accurate death rate numbers for covid but it does only tell part of the story.
Of more concern, for me at least, is the one you have highlighted - some politicians who knowingly break the rules and that is true in the UK as well. Government ministers who are active in giving advice and then clearly ignoring them personally. A politician who travelled from one end of the UK and back via train while being suspect of having the virus on the way down and positive for covid on the way back. Both kept their jobs, were not disciplined and refused to resign. It suggests one of two things, either that they do not believe the rules they are creating or they do believe but it that it only applies to those beneath them. No surprise then that people lose faith when there is one rule for them and another for us. Many will eventually pay the price when the go for re-election but that leave the people wondering if there is a politician with a better moral compass. There was little evidence there was before the virus and it certainly hasn't improved since. I remember a joke many years ago about young person voting for the first time asking their dad how they could decide who was the honest politician, the reply? Easy, they will be the one wearing the pink bowler hat. Sadly not so funny these days.