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Ao Dai for Dawn/Sora/Diva/Alexis


Contributing Artist
The easiest method to make a prop outfit to fit a smaller body in a cloth sim is to keyframe the scale dial in the timeline. Scale dials are not morphs, so they can be used during simulations. :)

Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
For a figure only slightly smaller, I'd agree. But Diva is significantly smaller and is proportioned much differently than Dawn. It requires a lot of scaling to get things close, and then the front needs lots of smoothing, and it tends to distort the collar. Basically I'm trying to save people a lot of time by having done all the fitting work for them (at least assuming they aren't mixing more morphs in). And at this point I've done the work to make the morphs, so it would be silly not to include them.

Mostly I'm just trying to find ways to save people a lot of boring clicking. Trying to see if I can streamline and make my dynamic clothing easier to use.


Contributing Artist
The basic idea is to use morphs before clothifying, and then, if you still need to change something after a sim, you can spawn a prop and use magnets on it. I have tried using magnets before a sim, but that doesn't work - we have to spawn morphs out of the mags and delete them all before running a sim. So I save the mags to the library, run a sim, spawn a prop out of the cloth, and reapply the mags to continue the work. This is how I handle it. :)

Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
So I did figure out the scripting part, well mostly. I do have a script that auto adults the trouble morphs back into place. What would be great if I could find a way to use a Call Back code, to run the script if a cloth sim is run, but I haven't found a way to do that yet. However, now that I've forced my head to deal with Python again (I really don't like Python as a language, but such is life) I'm also seeing if I can make a script that sets a lot of the defaults that you need in the cloth sim.

Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
So I'm not going to totally toot my own horn:happyflip:.Once I started scripting for the cloth room I found I could do some cool things. This isn't finished yet, in fact you'll see at one point I think it isn't going to work, but then I realize I just have to use the second script I set up. I think this is very cool :bounce:



Contributing Artist
This looks very cool - it automates the most tedious part, which is to pick the collision groups! ^____^

Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
This looks very cool - it automates the most tedious part, which is to pick the collision groups! ^____^

Haha, tell me about it. As nice as Poser is about not making us worry about sub bones in the Hands, Head, and Feet, there's still so much clicking to do. I still need to set up a version for the sleeves prop. Actually I'll probably have two versions, one that sets collisions if it's being used with the long sleeved dress, and one that sets it for the sleepless dress.

In fact I think one of the reasons I didn't realize the pattern in when Poser was angry about morphs, is because when I'm making tweaks and adjustments, I leave the same cloth sim up so I won't have to recheck all those boxes.


Contributing Artist
I would be nice if Poser could save the collision settings with the prop, instead of just the dynamic groups.

Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
So I have been still plugging away at this. A lot of things have caused me some issues, but I'm getting close. One of the tricky things is figuring out what material options to have and how to give people good options, without just giving them options for the sake of options. For instance, when I was starting to set up materials for the dress, I started doing what I did for Ao Dai for Baby Luna - A Gadget Girl Games Creation at HiveWire3D which was two make a two sided option for the Superfly materials so that when you saw the inside of the fabric it had a wrong side (as many woven fabric do). But then I was making matching materials for the sleeves, and what looked good when it was just peaking out on the dress, seemed a little overwhelming on the sleeves, where you see a lot of both sides of the fabric.

vs the one sided versions:

Only here's the thing, the first set, the dark lavender with the orange/yellow flowers on it, is just one sided on both of them. For whatever reason that fabric picks up the light in such a way that it looks better on it's own than any of the changes I've tried to make to it. Would it be odd to have one texture option that is one sided only?

Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
So I'm getting very close to having this ready for QAV. I've been working hard on a user guide for it since I'm including some scripts to make the cloth room easier to use, as well as to have a basic tutorial for people who haven't used Poser dynamic cloth before. I thought I'd go ahead and post my rough draft of the guide, since it gives a lot of details as to what is included. Of course, this may bore people to tears, at least this way people can get a good idea of what the scripts do.


  • AoDaiDawnUserGuide.pdf
    237.7 KB · Views: 551

Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
So this outfit is off at QAV although it's also waiting for Sora's release. While I was struggling with promo images, the idea came to mind. I realized that it maybe wasn't a right for a promo, but I had to get it out of my brain anyway.


Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
After lots of work, this is out in the store, along with Sora herself. I'm also working on a similarly styled outfit for Dusk, to complete out the Hivewire family.


Contributing Artist
I'm in love with the texture on the main promo (the aqua tealy one with the bits of pink). Why do stuff always comes along when I cant afford it! :p def going on my wishlist.


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
YAY! Lovely, some really beautiful textures with this, too!

Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
Thanks everyone. :)

I'm in love with the texture on the main promo (the aqua tealy one with the bits of pink). Why do stuff always comes along when I cant afford it! :p def going on my wishlist.

It's funny, because that one started as an afterthought because I wanted something greenish, but then it became one of my favorites too.