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Anime Girl Kristin 2.0


Now that Kristin is done I'm gonna take a breather for a bit... after I've had a chance to recharge I'll be updating my Cyberoid Pinnochia figure as well as the Anime Boy Hiro for Hiro 3. It'll take me a bit but I'll share things here as I start working on them both...

For those of you that download my new Anime Girl, please don't hesitate to share an image or 2 or to let me know if you have any comments! Enjoy! ;)


Beauty! I'll giver her a try as soon as I can. Thankye muchly Chris, the amount of extras is impressive!!



Whelp, here's a simple attempt. I hope you like it.


  • Kristen n Hiro FF.jpg
    Kristen n Hiro FF.jpg
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Lot of stuff in the package. Missed a couple of textures though. Ran through Poser File Organizer and is asking for these references

AlternateSkins - Bodyhispanic.jpg
AlternateClothes/Backpack - backpack2.jpg
AlternateEyes - chocolateeyes.jpg
AlternateEyes - blankcornea.jpg

Amazing release, surprised that only those few are missing.

Thank you for the new version :)


Lot of stuff in the package. Missed a couple of textures though. Ran through Poser File Organizer and is asking for these references

AlternateSkins - Bodyhispanic.jpg
AlternateClothes/Backpack - backpack2.jpg
AlternateEyes - chocolateeyes.jpg
AlternateEyes - blankcornea.jpg

Amazing release, surprised that only those few are missing.

Thank you for the new version :)
Thanks for the heads up! I'll get it fixed up and replace the download on ShareCG... do you happen to know which cr2/pose/mat files specifically call for those missing references?
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Lot of stuff in the package. Missed a couple of textures though. Ran through Poser File Organizer and is asking for these references

AlternateSkins - Bodyhispanic.jpg
AlternateClothes/Backpack - backpack2.jpg
AlternateEyes - chocolateeyes.jpg
AlternateEyes - blankcornea.jpg

Amazing release, surprised that only those few are missing.

Thank you for the new version :)

Okay I found and corrected most of the missing references you listed... but can't find any files asking for blankcornea.jpg... if you can narrow that one down for me I'd really appreciate it!


Sweet! Glad to have her back. Thank Chris for all the work you have done. It is a good when an artist goes back and updates their stuff.


my bad it's blankcorneas.jpg

Search "blank" (3 hits in 3 files of 4 searched)
Runtime\Libraries\Pose\Chris's Anime Girl Kristin\Alternate Eyes Mats\Anime Eye FX\Overwhelmed.pz2 (1 hit)
Line 381: file ":Runtime:Textures:Anime Girl Kristin:Alternate Eyes:BlankCorneas.JPG"
Runtime\Libraries\Pose\Chris's Anime Girl Kristin\Alternate Eyes Mats\Anime Eye FX\Possessed.pz2 (1 hit)
Line 381: file ":Runtime:Textures:Anime Girl Kristin:Alternate Eyes:BlankCorneas.JPG"
Runtime\Libraries\Pose\Chris's Anime Girl Kristin\Alternate Eyes Mats\Anime Eye FX\StarCrossed.pz2 (1 hit)
Line 382: file ":Runtime:Textures:Anime Girl Kristin:Alternate Eyes:BlankCorneas.JPG"

May be more, those where just the ones I tested quickly.


I started working on updating my Cyberoid Pinnochia figure that went with Kristin... this is just a simple test render in Poser11 (Superfly rendering) of one of her many new textures. Since Kristin and Pinnochia both share the same uv mapping and templates, you'll be able to share textures between the two, they can also share clothing, props, poses, etc (Kristin and the Cyberoid use the same common rigging so that everything for one will work on the other)
Render 1.jpg
... Pinnochia is on the left and Kristin is on the right...


Just wanted to let everyone know that I had to upload a further fix to an issue with Kristin... It was brought to my attention that the Character presets weren't loading the custom textures when loaded in Poser (they worked fine in DS but Poser was just loading the figure shapes without the textures). I've fixed the issue and updated the download at ShareCG, my apologies for the inconvenience! :)


Couple of DS renders of the updated Cyberoid Pinnochia... the second image was to test a few of the props and extras I plan on including this time around... among other items I've created 2 sets of pose-able cables for her, as well as various accessories such as the visor/head-set and cyber-earrings, and will be adding a Data Cascade and Holo Interface as anime-styled props (I used them in the second image)...

So far I have completed 25 alternate body skins and 20 alternate eye colors, 2 full outfits, 2 types of footwear exclusive to the Cyberoid, about 5 extra prop accessories, and the power cables sets... Pinnochia also includes all of the new morphs and ERC's that my Kristin 2.0 includes...



Some of the numerous alternate skin mats and extra accessories I've created for her... Each of the alternate mats shown in this example have versions for light skin, default skin, medium tan, dark tan, and dark skinned and there are a few more not shown (such as the skin set used in my Poser 11 test render for Kristin and Pinnochia)...



My Anime Cyberoid Pinnochia is now available for download at Cyberoid Pinnochia 2.0 for DAZ Studio & Poser - Poser - ShareCG. She is based upon my own sketches and art works and has been influenced by many sources. She works hand-in-hand with my Anime Girl Kristin 2.0 found here; Anime Girl Kristin 2.0 for DS & Poser - Poser - ShareCG.

Please note: that the two included Character Presets (Alita and Kusanagi) are based upon Characters from the Anime/Manga series “Battle Angel Alita/Gunnm”, and “Ghost in the Shell” respectively. They were created to pay tribute to the sources of the inspiration for my anime style of art... as such these 2 characters are intended for FAN USE ONLY!


1) The base Anime Cyberoid Pinnochia full figure with numerous body/head morphs and ERC controls, and a non-morphing Developers Figure to use for rigging etc (to allow users to create new outfits, poses etc). The figure includes over 100 body shaping/control and head/face morphs, and uses fully rigged Eyelids, Eye Brows and Jaw controlled by ERC dials that can be mixed and matched for a huge array of facial expressions!

2) Can use all of the Mat Poses, Textures, Clothing, Hair, Accessories, Pose Presets, and Extras created for my Anime Girl Kristin. Both figures share common UV Mapping and figure Rigging for complete interchange-ability between them!

3) Alternate mat poses and textures including; 5 default skin shades, various alternate versions of the base default skin shades ( over 20 alternate skins!), multiple eye mat poses that can be used on either Pinnochia or Kristin 2.0, and 2 custom Character Presets with custom textures!

4) 2 full clothing outfits, and multiple accessories specifically customized for Pinnochia, with multiple mat poses for a wide range of looks!

5) Tested in Poser 7, 10, and 11 (in both Firefly and Superfly), and DAZ Studio 2.3, 4.5, 4.7, and 4.9 (only tested in 3Delight).


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  • PinnochiaPromo5.JPG
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I am in awe of your talent. nevermind creating a fun figure, but to also make it compatable. Kristen open the door, Pinnochia takes it off the hindges. 8 ) Great Chris, and even improvements on the 1st version. In Poser, I found many of the Aiko3 hair can be applied, though figure type hair should be parented not conformed. Cheers.


I am in awe of your talent. nevermind creating a fun figure, but to also make it compatable. Kristen open the door, Pinnochia takes it off the hindges. 8 ) Great Chris, and even improvements on the 1st version. In Poser, I found many of the Aiko3 hair can be applied, though figure type hair should be parented not conformed. Cheers.
Thank-you and I hope you enjoy them both! I made massive improvements to the joint rigging/bending on Kristin and those fixes (along with the greatly expanded morphs and erc's) were incorporated into Pinnochia as well... I updated textures and bumps to match those provided with Kristin and made sure that the UV mapping on the 2 figures was identical so that everything would be fully compatible with both figures... Updating Kristin took the longest simply because her set-up and skeleton served as the base for Pinnochia so I had to complete Kristin before I could update the Cyberoid. Also, you're right in that by manually parenting things, hair and other items intended for Aiko and even Vicky can be used with relative ease on Kristin and Pinnochia...

I'll be starting on a matching update for my Anime Boy Hiro custom character for Hiro 3 shortly...