• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do


Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I´m doing a mix of cardio, pilates and relaxing...don´t know the word in english.
I work with a trainer at my gym, and do 1/2 hour weight training, and 1/2 hour boxing. Yeah, even got my own boxing gloves, so don't mess with me girl. ~ROFL~ I also try to get to the gym another day to get on the treadmill for an hour. Walking has always been good for my cardio, and I'm a good 20 years older than you, so don't give up. Scoliosis is not easy to deal with, but do the best you can, and you'll survive.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Oh no...the very opposite of what you need...oh geez...haha. I used to be 4'10" and something, before age settled me down a little. I've been told that dynamite comes in small packages...haha.

Yes. At least half of the cabinets are useless to me, as I cannot reach them even with a step stool... I woud need a full ladder or to climb onto the counter like a kid...lol

Dynamite is one way of putting it. My husband just tells people not to to tick me off, because, and I quote : "It's the little things that end being utterly ferocious."

Who am I to tell him different? :sneaky:

...but I still want a kitchen I can actually use...

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I'm a little taller than you Seliah, but I can empathize. Nothing worse than things up on a top shelf in a closet (or at the local supermaket) that you just can't reach.


I used to dream of a reduced height kitchen. But I'm stuck with numerous upper level cabinets that I can only wave at but never get to know. I've settled for a pantry to help with storage. Actually it would be great to have a fully equipped gnome home. I do have a...ahhh....low to the floor commode. I refuse to have to poll vault to take a pee...haha...and then geronimo to get back down.

Yes Terre, you're practically a giant in our little world...oh well, tall friends are useful, you know, could you reach me this, or get me that.

Now that you have the picture of my height, it makes some of the things I've done over the years kinda funny...like racing cars and jumping motorcycles....and the coach talking me into trying out for the basketball team (what on earth was she thinking?) just because I was an accurate shooter. After getting knocked out during practice, I showed myself to the door, and aborted any thought of ever doing it again...haha. A lot of the characters that I've done in 3D have been inspired by real life experiences. Remember the Slon typing that used to be my avatar...with short legs swinging away...well, guess who....haha.

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Oh, you had to bring up the supermarket...I've had people watch and applaud as I race through the store on a handicapped cart, jerking things off the top shelves with the handle of my cane so that they land in the basket. You do what you have to do....you know, most of the healthy stuff is stuck way up at the top. Sometimes people offer to get it for me, but some apparently like to watch me flipping it off the shelves.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Oh I don't have THAT much of a problem. It seems, for whatever reason, they put the tissue boxes on the top shelf, and I have more than once asked the store manager to get one of those "gripper" things you can use to get it down yourself, but they haven't done it. A friend of mine, who is a couple of inches shorter than me, has one at home, and uses it a lot. It would make so much sense in a store with high shelves. ~sigh~


Oh yeah, I have them in my kitchen and near the bed, and I used to keep on at the office. You just learn to adapt and don't even think about how it looks to other people, and only sometimes does it seem like being stuck in Horton Hears a Who.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Oh I don't think using a gripper is odd, and wouldn't think twice if I saw someone using it in a supermarket. I just hate having to go find one of the store's workers to get one for me, when I could get it myself if they had a gripper hung on one of the partitions between sections in each aisle.


That sounds like Terre's thing, she manages a store I believe. I'm sure she sees some interesting stuff sometimes :)

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
I've had people watch and applaud as I race through the store on a handicapped cart, jerking things off the top shelves with the handle of my cane so that they land in the basket.

LMAO! You sound like my "Dad"... he was not able to walk the distance through grocery stores and had to use one of those motorized carts when in stores. He was 6' 3" when he stood up, so even sitting in one of those carts, a big Scotch-Irishman with a cane, yup, he would whip stuff off the shelves with it, too! It was always a riot. And he'd growl at us if we tried to pull it down for him. I think he did it just for the smiles sometimes.

He was also prone to "accidentally" coming close to bumping people with his cart. No, he would never actually ram anyone. He just liked to play, I think. By that point, he was chronically ill, and he was terminal, and he was just taking his giggles wherever they were... and if there was a little kid that wanted to play peek-a-boo with him around their mother's leg in a store, he'd play along. LOL

For me... thankfully I can walk. I came very close to not being able to, but I am too stubborn to accept anything else. And I think I give heart attacks to the store managers when I'm in a grocery store. If it's on the top shelf, I will stand on the lower shelf to reach it... you can see them practically having nightmares of liability lawsuits. They have no way to know that I would never be that foolish... but for me, that's how I get things off the upper shelves of a grocery store. If they can't be jiggered to have staff around, I am not going to spend thirty-five minutes waiting on a staff member. I will climb up, grab it, and continue on my way! :laugh:

I also used to climb up to our kitchen counters to reach the upper cabinets, before I got hurt. It used to drive my husband batty... he couldn't understand why. Well, he's 5' 8", he has no need to understand it!


I think doing U-ies are fun on those things...lock the wheel as far as it will turn and flip around in the opposite direction in the aisles. Those carts would be more fun if they had lettered tires and racing stripes. :)


That sounds like Terre's thing, she manages a store I believe. I'm sure she sees some interesting stuff sometimes :)
Actually I'm the Scanning Coordinator and an assistant manager. :)
I do see all kinds of things including customers who are willing to help short or disabled customers as readily as employees do.
The gripper idea would be nice but would be a waste of money. They would be destroyed or stolen too often to be worth the investment if simply left hanging within easy reach of customers. I'm not sure how viable an idea it would be to have some in the office that can be loaned out upon request. They still might not have a long enough life to be workable.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
I think doing U-ies are fun on those things...lock the wheel as far as it will turn and flip around in the opposite direction in the aisles. Those carts would be more fun if they had lettered tires and racing stripes. :)

LOL - Yup! You sound very much like he was! He said similar things lots of times, and especially if we were in the big Sam's Club with lots of open space (it sells wholesale) we would end up spending a bit of time jogging to keep up with him, because he would "open the throttle" so to speak through those open spaces! :D

The gripper idea would be nice but would be a waste of money. They would be destroyed or stolen too often to be worth the investment if simply left hanging within easy reach of customers.

Yes. That, sadly, is what I think would happen, too. Not everyone in the general public is respectful, unfortunately. Such things can be purchased by an individual, and I have considered getting one myself to keep with me for trips to stores. But even in controlled environments like the nursing home I worked in, they do not have very long lifespans, and they give out quickly even when used with care. I can't see them being effective in an environment with the general public - they would break or be stolen too quickly, I think.


Well, I think I'm going to take a break and maybe catch a nap....I spent all morning running errands and preparing for the snow....that is, making sure flashlights have batteries, finding lanterns, charging batteries on laptops, and cell phone, and locating all the parts to my cast iron mini "stove" to heat water to keep my fish tank stable in the event of power out. All the fetching has been a workout, and I could use a break now. The sun was shining so pretty today, I hated to see it go. Everybody, be safe in the storm, if I don't see you again...it's supposed to begin around noon tomorrow, and some may have power out or getting online issues. It's been fun, so see you next time :)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
If it's on the top shelf, I will stand on the lower shelf to reach it... you can see them practically having nightmares of liability lawsuits.
Not me. They often have these hard plastic crates the workers use to climb to the top when they're stocking the top shelves, and I refuse to use them. I go hunting down someone to do it for me.


See you later. I hope you stay warm and safe.

Another thought on supermarkets. People are used to other types of stores having employees on hand in various departments for the express purpose of helping customers. Grocery stores can't afford to do that unless they are expensive ones in a high income areas. Most supermarkets are what is called a "penny business"(if I remember the term correctly). This is because of every dollar spent only one cent is actually profit. 99 cents goes to store expenses including salary.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
At my supermarket, the employees are either cashiers, workers in the Deli section, or those who stock the shelves. The last group are the ones I usually look for when I need help, though I have on occasion grabbed the manager himself, who happens to be a really nice guy, and is never put off helping folks who can't find something, or get something down from a top shelf. ;)