• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do



Not me. They often have these hard plastic crates the workers use to climb to the top when they're stocking the top shelves, and I refuse to use them. I go hunting down someone to do it for me.
There are many customers who know that if they see me and they need help or have a question I will help (this even happens when I 'm simply shopping sometimes as I know where pretty much everything in the store is or if we carry it). :)
One elderly man with failing eyesight would specifically come looking for me. Especially when it was time to get cards for holidays as his family liked my suggestions for his choices.


At my supermarket, the employees are either cashiers, workers in the Deli section, or those who stock the shelves. The last group are the ones I usually look for when I need help, though I have on occasion grabbed the manager himself, who happens to be a really nice guy, and is never put off helping folks who can't find something, or get something down from a top shelf. ;)
Stockers are often the easiest to find, yes. :)


I miss helping him find Valentines day cards for people like his niece but the family was nice enough to ask for me three years ago at the store to say 'Thank you" for all the help I'd given him and to let me know he was gone.


On a lighter note I had a funny happen yesterday.
I was talking to my husband the and the sentence ended with "pying fran", "prying fan" "fying pran".... . The "f" and "r" and "p" just refused to come out of my mouth in the right order.
At which point I gave up. Jim knew what I meant anyway.I'm just glad the these "Deered to kill a King's dare" situations don't happen very often. LOL


According to Wikipedia, that's called a spoonerism.
There are those who believe that the guy they are named for did it deliberately. I don't know if he did so but mine are not intentional and can end up amusing despite sometimes being frustrating.


I'm back, after a good nap :)

The best one I ever heard was during a music rehearsal for Christmas...during Go Tell It On The Mountain...the lyric "while shepherds kept their watching" was sung somehow in unison "while shepherds wept their flotching"....hehe. It was like wait a minute, let's try that again :)


It would have been hard for me to re-do for a bit. I'd have been having snickering too much. :)
I think having things like that happen to me several times a year is part of what made the Sheriff of Rottingham so funny to me in Robin Hood: Men in Tights. Especially when you add a Mel Brooks typical build up to absurdity with that characteristic.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I'm back, after a good nap :)

The best one I ever heard was during a music rehearsal for Christmas...during Go Tell It On The Mountain...the lyric "while shepherds kept their watching" was sung somehow in unison "while shepherds wept their flotching"....hehe. It was like wait a minute, let's try that again :)
I probably would've been literally rolling on the floor laughing. ~hee, hee, hee~


Indeed we couldn't get through the lyric for the rest of the night without laughing, and years later we'd remember the night of "wept their flotching".

I like the scene where the blind guy is having a sword fight with a pillar in the castle...he's out of breath, whacking away at that thing...I can't help cracking up every time I see it.


Since we're snowed in, spent some time getting some stuff for Dusk. I was impressed with the Rodrigo character and texture sets, so will be playing with that this weekend :) Hope all is well for everyone tonight.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I expect to be snowed in for a couple of days starting very early in the morning. Hmmmm, that might be a good time to play with Rodrigo, assuming Mother Nature doesn't really mess us up, and take out the power in this area. ~cringe~

Of course, then I can get back to some of the books I have sitting on the coffee table to read.


Good morning...just checking in. We made it through the night, daylight is appearing and we're under a heap of snow. It's supposed to snow all day long today :eek: Other than the thought that it will continue to snow, we're fine so far :cool:

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Good afternoon. I've been up around 2 hours and it looks like it's snowing lightly, but can't tell for sure, because I live on the top floor of an apartment building, and I think a fair amount of the snow I see "falling" is just snow being blown of the roofs with the wind that's been howling since last nite.

I was up around 7:30 for a bit, and it was really coming down then. Not sure if it's going to get that heavy again, but they did say mid-afternoon to evening should be the worst. Haven't checked the local weather report yet, so don't now exactly how much we've gotten so far.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Morning, Skylab! :)

Miss B, by comparison, on this end of the state (capital district here), we haven't even had a single flurry yet... LOL


Wow...I just woke from my nap and looked out...it's snowing harder than ever and is blowing almost sideways. We're fine so far...but yikes o_O


I understand from the weather channel that NY is getting way more than anticipated, and the NJ shore area the same, plus flooded streets. DC was not quite as bad as anticipated...the winds blew a little differently than the models predicted.