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There's concern for the Long Island area, conditions on the expressway, and surrounding area that could be affected similar to Hurricane Sandy. Some states have had hundreds of vehicles stranded on interstates, still out there, awaiting rescue.


Delaware is apparently getting slammed also....they're not sure what's going to happen during the next high tide, since the last one never went offshore during what was supposed to be low tide.

They just mentioned D.C. had two feet of snow in certain locations.

In areas where sleet was a problem, I would imagine that it "mashed the snow down" so-to-speak, making things appear less deep.


Travel ban now in effect for NYC....as of 2:30 pm no more vehicles or they will be ticketed.

And they just announced West Virginia, in certain locations, got 40 inches.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Miss B, by comparison, on this end of the state (capital district here), we haven't even had a single flurry yet... LOL
I don't think you're supposed to Seliah. From what I saw on the 11:00pm news last night, it's not going to get much further north than Westchester County, which is just north of the City limits down here.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
There's concern for the Long Island area, conditions on the expressway, and surrounding area that could be affected similar to Hurricane Sandy.
I spoke to two friends shortly after I got up today, one of whom lives all the way out in Suffolk County, and they got it bad.

I, too, was remembering Hurricane Sandy, and was wondering how the folks in the Rockaways are fairing.

Ohhhh, speaking of Suffolk County, I wonder how McGyver and his family are fairing. He lives closer than my friend does, but I believe he's in Suffolk County, though I suspect Nassau County isn't doing well either.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Yeah. That's what I've seen for today as well. Yesterday and the day before they were all flipping out about how we were going to get hammered with snow... fact is it usually skips us. :) LOL


The travel ban in NY is apparently to get folks off the street, since the police have had to respond to over 200 accidents since this morning, and also they want time to clear the streets for emergency vehicles...now they're saying they will arrest people who violate the travel ban.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
As they should Sky. Going out in a vehicle in this weather is crazy, but when the Mayor says there's a ban and you ignore it, you deserve to be arrested.

Forget putting yourself in danger, think of the danger you're putting everyone else in, especially those emergency vehicles that are needed on the streets.


Indeed, they were showing video of a fire truck trying to get through to respond to an emergency, trying to maneuver around vehicles and the mess in the streets, so that's why they were making the point to strongly encourage folks to get out of the streets. I'm sure it's tempting to go out and play in it, if one is young enough to stand the cold temps, but it really puts other people in danger if it's too crowded for safe passage.


I guess this is what goes with something like this happening in areas where they are not accustomed to so much snow. A friend of mine from work who was legend for being such a bad driver said someone sent her a message that went something like "if you can't drive in good weather, you certainly won't in bad"...haha. We used to tease her with "if you don't like the way she drives, stay off the sidewalk" :)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I have always been a good driver, and before I retired, I drove to work in the Wall St. area every day, but when it snows like this? Uh Uh! That's the day I don't get out of bed, let alone drive to work. I live only 2 blocks from the subway system I could've taken to work, and I didn't even bother trying.

I just heard on NY1's weather report that all above-ground subway systems have been, or will be, shut down at 4:00pm, approximately 45 minutes from now. I'm surprised they haven't all shut down already.


To clarify, her eyesight was not so good during evening rush hour, so she was known to turn into and drive down median strips and even the wrong way on double highways. When we were much younger, I was riding in her old trap car with her, and she crossed a railroad track going full speed, and, since I've already made the point previously that I was vertically challenged, and being before the days of seat belts, it bounced me into the top of the car, hitting my head. I always said after that, never ride with her without a crash helmet...haha. She believed in driving two speeds...super slow or wide open...there was no in between.


Contributing Artist
Glad to hear that everyone is alright...and so far the snow hasn't caused anyone here major problems. Sounds bad from what Sky and others have said.


Oh okay, so you're hearing the same things I'm hearing on the weather channel...at first I thought I was in an alternate reality, if other people out there weren't hearing the same things.


Hey Pen....yeah, we're hanging in here....for some they may literally feel like they're hanging or dangling in the high wind, but so far so good.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I just heard on NY1 they're predicting 14-20 inches by the end of this. Why is it necessary for Mother Nature to dump a whole winter's worth of snow all in one day????? Sheesh!!


Oh yes, I lived in sweats and under my blanket for weeks....I'd come out for bathroom breaks and food...haha.