carmen indorato
I wasn't sure if here was appropriate but certainly more so than this doughnut topic scrumptious as it may be.
I have asked elsewhere for the same thing and thought since we are discussing the dog WIP it might be a good thing asking for this if it is at all possible to create.
I love albino....ANYTHING.
I have neen desperate to find an Albino or white tex for ALL my cherished animals, DAZ Donkey which is awesome and their bison and would love a similar tex for Harry and the upcoming BULL. So of course the DOG and mostly the WOLF are up there on my desperate wish list.
Any hopes?
I have asked elsewhere for the same thing and thought since we are discussing the dog WIP it might be a good thing asking for this if it is at all possible to create.
I love albino....ANYTHING.
I have neen desperate to find an Albino or white tex for ALL my cherished animals, DAZ Donkey which is awesome and their bison and would love a similar tex for Harry and the upcoming BULL. So of course the DOG and mostly the WOLF are up there on my desperate wish list.
Any hopes?