• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

I need encouragement, love and prayers…


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Stay strong sweetie! I know you can do it!
Wishing the best for your surgery ...sorry....i was busy myself
caring of my family members with doctors too...still have a bit more this month.
You are in my prayers... all will be ok for you for sure! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


HW Honey Bear
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! You all help/are helping me more than you could possibly know!! :grouphug:

I got replies via e mail back from both doctors now...and one thing I'm THRILLED/RELIEVED about is I will be able to eat!! The surgeon told me:

The diet you are accustomed to is actually the perfect diet for after the surgery.
You won't need to alter it at all since you aren't doing a lot of chewing
now. You will be able to start eating immediately. In fact, the sooner the
better. Yes you can bring pillows to place under your legs, it's not a
problem at all.

He answered other questions too, about the medication change over (for recovery) etc... I've been BLESSED with the nicest people/doctors and they keep proving it to me more and more... which is helping me sooo much with my anxiety!! I'll be REALLY anxious, but maybe NOT terrified now... :)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Everyone gets anxious before a procedure Lyne, so if you're NOT terrified, that's a big step in the right direction. ;)


THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! You all help/are helping me more than you could possibly know!! :grouphug:

I got replies via e mail back from both doctors now...and one thing I'm THRILLED/RELIEVED about is I will be able to eat!! The surgeon told me:

The diet you are accustomed to is actually the perfect diet for after the surgery.
You won't need to alter it at all since you aren't doing a lot of chewing
now. You will be able to start eating immediately. In fact, the sooner the
better. Yes you can bring pillows to place under your legs, it's not a
problem at all.

He answered other questions too, about the medication change over (for recovery) etc... I've been BLESSED with the nicest people/doctors and they keep proving it to me more and more... which is helping me sooo much with my anxiety!! I'll be REALLY anxious, but maybe NOT terrified now... :)

Much as I hate the regime that my diabetes places on me there are a few positives. For a start, because I am on insulin, I don't have to do fasting blood tests and with any procedure I am usually one of the first to be seen to and encouraged to eat as soon as possible afterwards. You seem to be in an similar situation regarding food.

Every profession has to deal with the paperwork and it would be the same no matter who was doing the procedure. The difference here is you have found a team you can clearly trust and are going out of their way to make the whole matter as easy as possible for you to deal with. As Miss B has said, we all get anxious before any procedure and is correct that, not being terrified, is a really big step in the right direction.

I think the other big positive is that you are able to voice your concerns and ask the questions that bother you, many of us would just 'go with the flow'. You really need to give yourself a pat on the back for the way you have handled this.


Glad to hear you have a great team and things are coming along well. {{hugs}} You'll come through it all fine.


HW Honey Bear
I'm now re-watching Season 4 of Once Upon A Time...so I can then watch the new (for me) Season 5 going toward my oral surgery date on Thursday...when I will be going off the grid till I recover enough to come back 'here'.... I'm very prepared, but still... *shudder*....

oh AND waiting for the AC guy to come again...it's leaking more and I can't afford to replace the unit now, but they are going to do a 'sniffer test' as well as 'top it off'... it's all OUTSIDE work as I made sure they understand I can NOT have anyone come inside, for fear of germs that would hinder my long planned for surgery.... my eye teeth have crumbled off MORE and there's a tinge of pain...I so HAVE to get this done!! But why oh why did my AC unit have to crap out again now... (we still have warm afternoons here and with my house being my 'safe bubble' I have to keep it closed up tight...so it still heats up in the afternoon yet...) sigh.


HW Honey Bear
THANK YOU ALL... the AC guy left...he "popped the top" of the outdoor AC unit and we both could SEE the coolant leaking out of the tiny copper coil tubes feeding the coils! the 'sniffer' screeched! I'll be LUCKY if it keeps cooling with the 4 lbs of 'top off' Freon he added... so I asked for a quote for 2-3 weeks from now to either replace th coils or the whole unit (I'm very leery of the whole unit, coming from a questionable company I had install it before I found the GOOD company!).... I'm juggling time/health/money!! So while I'm recovering, I'll be trying to stay cool, but heal quick so I can deal with the AC... sheesh! Here in California, it's suddenly gotten really tropical- heavy clouds, humid heat! Figures... sigh.

I talked to my son...about costs, etc.. (I'm helping him help me) and he goes: I'll see you Thursday.... and I'm like... ok..gulp! :cautious: But hanging in there...thinking about when I will be BACK HERE and typing about how well I'm healing... (please God)....

Believe me, I'm soaking up all your hugs!

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
It's gone tropical here today too. I always expect the humidity to be up there when it's raining for hours, but the rain stopped hours ago, and I nearly fainted when I walked out of my building 1/2 hour ago to make a quick trip to the store. I guess I had gotten used to the cooler, milder weather too quickly. ~shakes head~


I'm a fellow Californian, Lyne. I 've been feeling the sudden heatwave. Reminds of how living back east we had all four seasons. Here in Southern California (I live near Disneyland), We have a light spring, a hot summer and sometimes a hotter fall. I can't remember the last it even on Christmas Day. One thing, I've noticed the older we get the hotter it seems to get. Especially if you're a woman. (I hope that doesn't sound sexist)

Now think positive thoughts so you can come back and eat your favorite foods and talk your best smack! More hugs to Lyne! More hugs to Lyne!


HW Honey Bear
Thanks.... again! :)

AND... Did anyone else see snowflakes during yesterday's tropical rain? I know what sleet and hail look like...these were light-floaty things that fell and vanished into the wet surface!! Unheard of... it's not being talked about, but I know what I saw!!! (and hey, I'm not coming off anesthesia- that's tomorrow! LOL!) At first I thought some bird was shedding down feathers!! but no birds... just these floaty white things that HAD to be snow from this rouge tropical storm!?

Now back to distracting myself... with the new jungle kids...