carmen indorato
Now now... check this out!!
To visually represent what we're doing here. This is indeed ground breaking!! Can your other animal models do this? Can ANY other base figure be morphed into this type of variety of animal breeds? Keep in mind this is just the start. The dragon with have others spawn from this one, the big cat with have other breeds, the dog with have many other options such as the chihuahua, and the house cat with have many breeds as well. All of these are morphed from our big cat, and will have the same UVs, so maps can be shared. Also these animals will all start with the same rig, and morphs can be shared between all of these. And we've repeated this with our Horse product for the ungulate animals.
Please share this concept with your friends. Not only is the concept solid, but these figures are, and will be top notch with attention to anatomical details, not just resolution to state that detail is added in. But appropriate and needed surface anatomy detail of each of these animals. Also the texture maps of each animal with be of a superior quality. Just look at the map that CWRW is creating for this big cat.
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These look great Chris.
I am still pining for Harry to Bull Redo. I am a Taurus and that bull I first saw so long ago now got under my skin and I gotsta haves it!