Re: Wringer type washing machine - yes, mother had one in the basement, the water dumped into a sump. Then the sump got pumped out of the sump to the septic drain field. (as a 4-5 years old, I thought that concept facinating. The one she had used a motorized wringer, but you could only put in a couple of things at a time. The wringers could put a world of hurt on you if you weren't careful. I was taught to feed with one hand and have the other near the off switch.
Yes, I learned to wash clothes, iron, make sewing repairs, cook and clean the house. Mom said it was so I would know how when I grew up. I think it was just household labor.
Re: Electric football game. The 'field vibrated' and the men moved. Invariably, there was one piece which just moved in a tiny circle. Occasionally the quarterback would turn around and run in the wrong direction.
We also had a race car game based on the same principle. (I was 7 or 8 at that time.) A vacuum formed race track had paths for the cars to follow. (I think this was
the one - or at least similar.) The tracks crossed each other so occasionally there were crashes. I learned that betting was not always a good thing as it was always anybody's race. My Dad and I actually kept stats for a while to see if you could determine which car was most likely to win and which track. (Fun times learning statistics and math in a game format. Only I didn't realize I was learning.)
Re: Other games, my kids had hungry hippos. I had a friend with the Rock 'em Sockem 'em robots. Never had or played on the mini pool table.
Love this thread. Thanks for all who share.
Edited to correct link.