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Todays Weather where you live?


yes, we eat fish and chips lol

french fries are these :inverted:

that'll confuse you all o_O

View attachment 75099
It's changed a lot in the last 8 years, especially with anyone younger than genX.

Since moving back here (Sydney) 3 years ago. I never hear g'day any more. Or how ya goin'. Or brekkie. Or lollies. Or fair dinkum. Crisps are now chips. Chips are now fries. Carts are still trolleys, though. Tires are still tyres. Bicycles are on the cusp. Pushbikes is a boomer or older term. motorcycles are still bikes. Bikies (bikers) and truckies (truckers) are still things.

I blame sunspots.


Contributing Artist
No, those are potato sticks.
Nope they're french fries...
It's changed a lot in the last 8 years, especially with anyone younger than genX.

Since moving back here (Sydney) 3 years ago. I never hear g'day any more. Or how ya goin'. Or brekkie. Or lollies. Or fair dinkum. Crisps are now chips. Chips are now fries. Carts are still trolleys, though. Tires are still tyres. Bicycles are on the cusp. Pushbikes is a boomer or older term. motorcycles are still bikes. Bikies (bikers) and truckies (truckers) are still things.

I blame sunspots.
It is changing but speaking as a boomer I always referred to what you call a pushbike as a bike. Motorcycles can be bike or hog.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I wish I could say the same. It rained all day yesterday, and last night until about 5:00pm today, we've had Gale force winds. The windows in my apartment were all making lots of noise all night long, as well as this morning.

I finally was able to get out late this afternoon for a little bit, and hope I can do so again tomorrow.


Same here. Rain all day yesterday, windy as all get-out today. Seems calm now. Didn't go out, not even across the street for the mail...probably nothing but ad circulars.



That is a lot of winds and water for many people. Hopefully things will clear up soon for you guys.

Waves at Terre* beautiful weather here also I've been busy in the garden the last few days.

Hi Pendraria. I've not been doing much online recently. decided to get back into poking at places. :)


Winds 20mph to 30mph today (Not constant, gusts), with temps not getting out of the 50s. Tomorrow and Wednesday, add rain. Going to do what may be the last trim and mow of my lawn for the season, before the rain comes. Later in the week, two days of low 70s.


Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
That's about right for here as well, though they're predicting rain here off and on all day today as well as most of the rest of the week. ~Brrrrr~


50s and windy. I agree with Miss B. Brrr....
Possible thunderstorms tonight and tomorrow night. We'll see.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
That's pretty much how it was here today, though the wind has died down quite a bit from what it was the past few days, so once the rain stopped mid-afternoon, I was able to get out for a while.


More rain? Too bad you can't send some of it here. We did get a light rain for a bit this afternoon. Stay safe.