The things I get up to outside of 3D.. I know I've said it before, but it bears repeating I suppose - my brain just never really stops or turns off. I have to have music playing just to be able to sleep, actually. I basically never stop. I have a hard time just forcing myself to sit down long enough to eat, and am very prone to eating on my feet. It drives my much calmer, much more sedentary Bear absolutely crazy sometimes, I admit.
So, these are some of the things I do to keep my brain busy enough that I can function, and to keep my hands busy when I need to try and stay in one place for more than thirty seconds. The images are all inserted as thumbnails since there's so many photos here. I didn't want to overload the post...
The first two - a blanket that I made for my Bear as a Father's Day gift. He is always cold, he's just not built for anything under 70 degrees. He sleeps with this thing on him even in the middle of the summer!
And the black item was a case I made for his bible - also a gift, though that time it was his birthday. He's a staunch Orthodox Christian, and well... he spent months grumbling that he couldn't find a carry case with the Orthodox cross on it. So... I made him one. The main case was six pieces, the cross was four pieces, then the button.

And because I'm fed up with the constant buying of paper towels in the kitchen... this is one of a set of eight kitchen towels. I cannot use a sewing machine, and I'm sure my seams and needlework would probably annoy a seamstress no end, but it works for me. I do everything by hand, and while it's not very pretty, I've never had any of my seams split or come apart!

And then this was a blanket I made while I was still carrying my daughter. I made it specifically as a baby blanket. She's going to be 18 this November, so the blanket is a few months older than she is. And she still has it, and still sleeps with it. She won't go anywhere without it. After all these years, the only damage to it is a missing ribbon (there used to be a white ribbon run through the edge), and a couple spots where some of the edge stitches have ripped out.
I don't know how she's managed to do it, but each spot where there's damage, she's managed to do it in such a way that it knotted itself off and is not continuing to unravel. Not too bad for an almost-20 year old blanket, I'd say.

I do not knit. There's only two things I can do with knitting needles : drop stitches and stab people. LOL.
I do all the yarn work with a crochet hook... yes, there is a difference!
So, these are some of the things I do to keep my brain busy enough that I can function, and to keep my hands busy when I need to try and stay in one place for more than thirty seconds. The images are all inserted as thumbnails since there's so many photos here. I didn't want to overload the post...
The first two - a blanket that I made for my Bear as a Father's Day gift. He is always cold, he's just not built for anything under 70 degrees. He sleeps with this thing on him even in the middle of the summer!
And the black item was a case I made for his bible - also a gift, though that time it was his birthday. He's a staunch Orthodox Christian, and well... he spent months grumbling that he couldn't find a carry case with the Orthodox cross on it. So... I made him one. The main case was six pieces, the cross was four pieces, then the button.

And because I'm fed up with the constant buying of paper towels in the kitchen... this is one of a set of eight kitchen towels. I cannot use a sewing machine, and I'm sure my seams and needlework would probably annoy a seamstress no end, but it works for me. I do everything by hand, and while it's not very pretty, I've never had any of my seams split or come apart!

And then this was a blanket I made while I was still carrying my daughter. I made it specifically as a baby blanket. She's going to be 18 this November, so the blanket is a few months older than she is. And she still has it, and still sleeps with it. She won't go anywhere without it. After all these years, the only damage to it is a missing ribbon (there used to be a white ribbon run through the edge), and a couple spots where some of the edge stitches have ripped out.
I don't know how she's managed to do it, but each spot where there's damage, she's managed to do it in such a way that it knotted itself off and is not continuing to unravel. Not too bad for an almost-20 year old blanket, I'd say.

I do not knit. There's only two things I can do with knitting needles : drop stitches and stab people. LOL.
I do all the yarn work with a crochet hook... yes, there is a difference!