1.72 inches of rain? Round here we call that dewfall! We don't notice the wet stuff until we need to use a snorkel to walk to the local shops. Mind you. On the other hand, we have never managed to work out how to deal with the dreaded S-N-O-W. I don't know what it is with us Brits but while that Scandinavian lot are driving around quite happily in snow up to the rooftops, here in the UK anything over half-an-inch of the stuff and the country grinds to a halt and the media treats us all to endless shots of miles long traffic jams, thousands of stranded rail commuters and airports at a standstill because someone lost the key to the cupboard which holds the special brush for sweeping snow off the runways. Not that that makes much difference because by then the guy who does the sweeping is usually off with flu anyway! Honest! We're talking about a country which considers we've got a white Christmas if a snowflake lands on the roof of the Met Office during December. I was tempted to say I don't know how we ever managed to build an empire but I've just remember that all the countries we ruled, with the exception of Canada, were warm, sunny ones so I won't!