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The Anchorage, Part 3

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
The trains stop running about 11 pm and don't start again until about 5:30ish am. So they only work for people who work between 5:30 am and 11 pm ... reliably.

That and the lack of traffic on City Ave between 1 am and 5:30ish am is why the nights are so wonderfully quiet here. You can hear a pin drop :wink:


The Wicked Witch of the North
Quiet nights are lovely, aren't they. It's so quiet and still here I could be in a house in the country instead of on a boat on a river.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Quiet nights are the best!

I'm not sure how quiet a house in the country would be though. The tree crickets get rather enthusiastic the hotter it is. And with it staying hot late into the evening, they keep that racket up rather late.

We had one apparently rather near the balcony the other weekend. Tsuki and I both were startled. Since the balcony door was open, it sounded like it was right there. She kept trying to find what had made that horrendously loud noise long after it had flown off.


The Wicked Witch of the North
Ugh, crickets! I really don't like it when the field crickets hatch out and swarm. Last summer they swarmed in their thousands out to the boat and it took me days to get rid of them. The noise they make is horrendous. We don't have tree crickets but we do have cicadas, they are kind enough to cease their earshattering noise at dusk.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Unfortunately, during the summer here, dusk doesn't always tend to bring lower temperatures or less humidity!

I so cannot wait to move back to the Pacific Northwest. My skin (and me) needs that maritime climate.


The Wicked Witch of the North
So here I am, a groundgripper once more. Joycie is a bit annoyed at her dad abandoning her to the clutches of the Wicked Witch of the North again, she is sulking on the front steps as I type...and this after I gave her a treat and a walk before her dinner, ungrateful fluffy that she is. The second load of washing is on, the first glass of wine is finished, the bed is still unmade and the more glasses of wine I drink the more it will stay unmade so up the bedroom I shall now go and get a round tuit!


The Wicked Witch of the North
I did, Miss B! But, man, making a kingsize bed is awful hard on my hands.

Had a rubbish sleep last night...Joycie was restless, poor baby now has arthritis too and it hurts her. So us two old ladies tossed and turned all night. Sucks to be arthritic, don't it :( However I'm up and about and installing a backlog of content including the HW Cub...looking forward to playing with it :) And great news...Shannon is coming over tomorrow to give my computer its brain transplant! Exciting :bounce: Hope you are all having a swell day/night :inverted:

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I guess it's safe to say Shannon is 100% again. It's great he's going to fix up your computer. What a good son he is. :D


The Wicked Witch of the North
Afternoon Miss B, Rae :) Yep, Shannon is AOK again and will be able to start cycling again in another couple of weeks. He is a fabulous, wonderful son whom I love to bits :wub:

I can use Dave's laptop till my puter is fixed so I should be able to do some rendering, Rae


The Wicked Witch of the North
Cool, ay Pen?! Was going to do some rendering but I'm now going to wait till after Shannon's been. I did get my content installed which is good. Hitting the hay now, catch yous all tomorrow :inverted:


Contributing Artist
Very cool Lorraine...

Yay...this morning is the first day of my school holidays! And tomorrow I get to do the webinar that Paul is doing...:bounce::happyflip::happydance::inverted::bee:


The Wicked Witch of the North
I've been jumping around the kitchen making yeehah noises and now Joycie is looking at me with her head tilted and I just know that inside that little head she is thinking in dog " it's finally happened, she's flipped her wig, HELP!!!!".