That seems to be pretty much everywhere ... and not just limited to tourists. Philadelphia definitely caters to shoppers and visitors while making life harder on those who work (or live) in Center City.
As is evidenced by the closures this morning of all streets around the art museum because of Obama's speech in the afternoon on the parkway near the museum. The closures were earlier and more extensive than what was reported the night before (which I only found out about at 4:30 am when I saw all the lights in the sky (I'm assuming the helicopters were in anticipation of Obama's visit ... since they weren't using search lights which would be the case if they were trying to find someone fleeing)
So ... while I had expected to take my normal route until the museum ... which would have resulted in an additional 15 minutes ... that wasn't the case. Consequently, it took an hour longer to get to work. AND ... a cop yelled at me! Like I could see there were two lanes what with all the cars jammed in the intersection. Not like I'd ever been in that area before. Philly cops are so rude. Considering he was by his car instead of in the middle of the intersection directing traffic, how was I supposed to see him motioning me to go. For that matter, I couldn't even tell where he was motioning me to go! When streets are closed in Philly, most cops just stand around on the sidewalk or in front of the traffic cones/barricades or their car to make sure no one attempts to go down the closed streets. Very, very rarely are they actually directing traffic. Very annoying when the intersections are gridlocked, and the cops just stand there ignoring it. Once in a while, there is a cop actually directing traffic. Amazing how much easier it is to get through those intersections. There wouldn't BE any gridlocked intersections if the cops actually directed traffic. Perhaps most of them don't believe directing traffic or supervising road closures should be part of their job. And ... since they are union, not like they will get fired. Funny how it's mostly the younger cops who stand around doing nothing ...
On the plus side, I missed our five minute daily "scrum" meeting! Woohoo! I so hate that meeting. We have to meet every single day and rush this quick announcement of this is what I worked on yesterday, this is what I will work on today, and this is my blocker. The meeting is only supposed to last 5 minutes and there are six of us. So as you can imagine, it's about as annoying as all get out.
I can see the importance of these daily scrum (such a STUPID name!) meetings when you are part of a team of programmers working on a single project, but each of us work on separate projects, so what any of us does has no impact on the others. According to the explanations of what scrum is, the purpose is to keep us "honest" with ourselves. /rolls eyes.
Takes me a half hour to prepare for the daily scrum, and I have to continually document throughout the day everything I do.
Now, I have to figure out how to get my browser back to normal. I hit some key combo that put it into some strange screen mode with no menu bar or minimize/close button. All I have is a couple posts, the text field, and the posting buttons.