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The Anchorage, Part 3


YIKES 4:25am??? What ARE you doing up at that ungodly hour? I thought I was bad, but you beat me by a long shot.

Congrats on getting your car back. :)
LOL (By that time of the morning I'm already dressed for work (Tue, Thur, & Sat) or my alarm is about to go off (Wed & Sun).

Glad to hear the car is back. Mine is now to. Had to spend 11 days in the shop.


Lorraine, glad things went so well.
I've been distracted so not poking in much here. Not any problems just having fun elsewhere for the moment. :)

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Cars and Kindles! How do we survive without either?

Watching episodes and reading ebooks on my LG phone has been a pain. Especially, as I have to charge it several times a day when I'm using it ALL day long.

But, the replacement kindle is supposed to be delivered by 8 tonight. So ... maybe I'll have it and maybe I'll have to wait to pick it up from the lobby tomorrow.


The Wicked Witch of the North
Surviving without a car...16 years and counting. My little Toyota Starlet was stolen and set on fire, no comeback possible from that. My favourite pair of shoes were in the car too...I still miss them :( My son keeps threatening to get me another car and make it look like a dunger before it got parked on the road but for the next few years at least it's financially better not to have one.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
It's been 17 years for me, but it's not the cost of the car that stops me . . . it's the cost of the insurance that makes me cringe.


For me it's been 29 years since I lived in a place where it was possible to get by without a car without too much hassle.


Contributing Artist
I wish we could get by without a car but even with 2 of them, when Baby was out of action I still had to get taxi to work and at $45-$50 just to GET there its not even worth working if I didn't have my own car.


The Wicked Witch of the North
One of the things I love about Melbourne is its incredible transport system. We don't have one up here so I rely on my friends to get me around. It's a fair exchange though, I pupsit, they drive me places or lend me their car. There is talk of a bus service starting up which will make me and a lot of others independent. Must say, that will be nice.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
I couldn't live without my car! Perhaps, that comes from growing up on the West Coast where public transportation was rather spotty.

Philly "prides" themselves on the public transportation, but the subway is filthy, crowded, smells of urine or worse, and gangs of school age thugs get a kick out of beating up commuters. Then there are the rats! Not that I'm rat phobic, but these guys are HUGE! and bold. The buses and trains are probably better, but they are still crowded, and I have problems being around that many people. It's overwhelming at best.

I feel much safer and more relaxed in my car. While it would be a bit cheaper (but not by a lot) to take the train to work, it turns out that it would take as long if not longer because of how far I'd have to walk. Add in a gimpy knee from the fall on ice last winter, and it would quickly become rather painful too.

Yeah, yeah. I know. Excuses, excuses :wink:


Contributing Artist
not so bad on the GC if you live central to Surfers (or along the beach) but head further out and its really hard (especially to walk to find a bus)


Contributing Artist
yep! or to jump on a train to go to Bris. They are thinking of making the light rail that finishes at the new hospital go to Helensvale train station but it needs to also go from Pac Fair to Nerang then it would be a good loop, as it is now, again it really only goes from Broadbeach to Southport catering for the Surfers Paradise crowd.


The Wicked Witch of the North
That's a pretty dopey way to treat the people who live and work on the Goldie. Tourists are not the only species of human who inhabit the area and without the locals they get no service!


The Wicked Witch of the North
I'm trying not to get excited. I've taken my computer ashore and follow it to the house tomorrow. Shannon is coming over with the new mobo and processor in a day or two and I wait nervously hoping all will be well with its transplant. Fingers and toes crossed.


The Wicked Witch of the North
The Bay of Islands has a similar problem, most of the infrastructure is aimed at pleasing the tourists and making money for the council, not in helping the locals in their everyday lives and over the winter. There is a big marina extension going on right now in Opua, and not one single thing on it is aimed at locals. It will decrease our usable space and make parking impossible if you're not a marina user. And that's entirely besides what the construction is doing to our village and waterway. Not a happy puppy.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
That seems to be pretty much everywhere ... and not just limited to tourists. Philadelphia definitely caters to shoppers and visitors while making life harder on those who work (or live) in Center City.

As is evidenced by the closures this morning of all streets around the art museum because of Obama's speech in the afternoon on the parkway near the museum. The closures were earlier and more extensive than what was reported the night before (which I only found out about at 4:30 am when I saw all the lights in the sky (I'm assuming the helicopters were in anticipation of Obama's visit ... since they weren't using search lights which would be the case if they were trying to find someone fleeing)

So ... while I had expected to take my normal route until the museum ... which would have resulted in an additional 15 minutes ... that wasn't the case. Consequently, it took an hour longer to get to work. AND ... a cop yelled at me! Like I could see there were two lanes what with all the cars jammed in the intersection. Not like I'd ever been in that area before. Philly cops are so rude. Considering he was by his car instead of in the middle of the intersection directing traffic, how was I supposed to see him motioning me to go. For that matter, I couldn't even tell where he was motioning me to go! When streets are closed in Philly, most cops just stand around on the sidewalk or in front of the traffic cones/barricades or their car to make sure no one attempts to go down the closed streets. Very, very rarely are they actually directing traffic. Very annoying when the intersections are gridlocked, and the cops just stand there ignoring it. Once in a while, there is a cop actually directing traffic. Amazing how much easier it is to get through those intersections. There wouldn't BE any gridlocked intersections if the cops actually directed traffic. Perhaps most of them don't believe directing traffic or supervising road closures should be part of their job. And ... since they are union, not like they will get fired. Funny how it's mostly the younger cops who stand around doing nothing ...

On the plus side, I missed our five minute daily "scrum" meeting! Woohoo! I so hate that meeting. We have to meet every single day and rush this quick announcement of this is what I worked on yesterday, this is what I will work on today, and this is my blocker. The meeting is only supposed to last 5 minutes and there are six of us. So as you can imagine, it's about as annoying as all get out.

I can see the importance of these daily scrum (such a STUPID name!) meetings when you are part of a team of programmers working on a single project, but each of us work on separate projects, so what any of us does has no impact on the others. According to the explanations of what scrum is, the purpose is to keep us "honest" with ourselves. /rolls eyes.

Takes me a half hour to prepare for the daily scrum, and I have to continually document throughout the day everything I do.

Now, I have to figure out how to get my browser back to normal. I hit some key combo that put it into some strange screen mode with no menu bar or minimize/close button. All I have is a couple posts, the text field, and the posting buttons.


Contributing Artist
not so bad on the GC if you live central to Surfers (or along the beach) but head further out and its really hard (especially to walk to find a bus)
Melbourne is the same Rae...if you live within 20 mins of the city transport is quite good. Some of the newer suburbs have difficulties. The area where I have taught for the last five years only just got a train station and train line this year and I've started to see buses up and down one of the roads I used to travel on that weren't there previously.

I couldn't exist without my car...much quicker than taking two trains to work and if I work late it isn't a big deal as I can drive myself home. I won't travel on public transport after it goes dark.