• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do



Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist


  • Screenshot_2022-08-19-09-58-39-574.jpg
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Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
If you are now working on things for the forums can you look into perhaps better emoticons? The ones we have are fine but using the dark UI option here gives these ugly white pixelated borders around each one, including the wonderful heart you have in the instant Like pop up. So while I LOVE the dark theme here all things emoticons are sort of ugly when one chooses to use them because of that bad boarder issue!


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
OK, go this one but GMail has that big ugly SPAM banner running across the top of it. Figuring out how to tell GMail to get over it! LOL


  • SPAM Warning.jpg
    SPAM Warning.jpg
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Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
OK Cath, I just turned on Watch this thread with email notifications, so please respond to me so I can see if I get the same messages Rich reported, as the email I use here is one of my Gmail accounts.


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
Weirdly Miss B's reply gave me a ? rather than the dreaded yellow banner notification so perhaps adding that address to the address book will eventually teach GMail to not deem these notifications as bad?


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
More info

  • The domain in the "From" email address and "To" email address are the same. For example, if you're including internal team members on a campaign send, those recipients likely use the same domain as your "From" email address (@yourcompany.com). This will not happen if you send a campaign to a plain "@gmail.com" email address; contacts outside of your internal teams should not be affected.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I got the emall Cath, but it has the "Be careful with this message banner" at the top of it.

So the new mail server is working, but it's not liking Gmail accounts for some reason.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Weirdly Miss B's reply gave me a ? rather than the dreaded yellow banner notification so perhaps adding that address to the address book will eventually teach GMail to not deem these notifications as bad?
This is what I see on the email I got. So you think if I add the webmaster@hivewire3d.com into to my address book, I won't get the "Be careful" banner again? Hmmm, I'll try that right now.


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
I'm not having any such issues.

Miss B, this isn't a new mail server - Cath was fixing the notifications for the forums. Apparently gmail is having issues. I'm not having any with one of my personal accounts, which at the moment is being used here, as there is also an issue with our HiveWire emails (I'm talking about the ones ending with @hivewire3d.com)

Cath - thanks for getting this fixed !!!
*Huge Hugs*

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I just got an email about your post, so the Alert for Watched threads is working, so I'm assuming they're all working now.


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
I'm not having any such issues.

Miss B, this isn't a new mail server - Cath was fixing the notifications for the forums. Apparently gmail is having issues. I'm not having any with one of my personal accounts, which at the moment is being used here, as there is also an issue with our HiveWire emails (I'm talking about the ones ending with @hivewire3d.com)

Cath - thanks for getting this fixed !!!
*Huge Hugs*
Alisa , it is new mail server , I temporary using MEC4D mail server that why it says not coming from Hivewire . The reason the notifications was blocked is , because Google not allows anymore to use their servers to send emails from the forum , it has to be original Hivewrire3D.com mail server coming from the main domain .
Chris is in process of setting it all up so until then this forum borrowing my server to do the job .

All people need is to add the email to contact in Google account and no more spam message notifications , when adding the email check out that no other emails are under contact beside webmaster@hivewire3d.com , if you see icon with Lisa picture , this means there are other emails under the contact that no more excist and need to be replaced with webmaster@hivewire3d.com only and problem solved


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
Ah, I didn't realize you were using your server. So temporary mail server ;).


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
Ah, I didn't realize you were using your server. So temporary mail server ;).
I was actually tested out using my server to find out what is going on , so for now I will leave it on temporary until I will be able to replace it permanently. At least it is working again .