And the winners of the Stay Home - Spread Hope Render Challenge are:
First Place

"Wanna Play" by amaranth
Second Place

"For The Joy Of It" by Rosie D
Third Place

"Time for a Game" by FantasyArt3D
Honorable Mentions
"A New Friend" by Dream9Studios
"Fish Baiting" by Viking-Visual

"Flower Whisperer" by NapalmArsenal

"Hello Little One" by mininessie

"Her Majesty's Nap" by vlgraphics

"Is there someone?" by FantasyArt3D

"Life Goes On" by L'Adair

"Little Bug in the Woods" by Satira Capriccio

"Running Around" by Stezza

"Social Distance" by amaranth

"Spring Hot Chocolate" by Phoenix

"Sweet Dreams in the Spring Grove" by Shanarah

"Secret World" by TheKatster

"Wings of Hope" by luannemarie

"Within the Fairy Ring" by Dove
Thank you everyone for your enthusiasm and all of your wonderful entries. We will be in touch with the winners shortly.