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"Spin to Win" Render Challenge! - CLOSED!


Those were added for correction purposes, I think, because older dial spins for original Dusk didn't always look quite right on Dusk SE.


Contributing Artist
Dusk Head and Dusk Body are dials included with Dusk SE

Dusk is a figure in his own right (shape + texture) and the rules state you can't combine two characters, so does that mean no mixing base DuskSE with the Dusk character dial? Or are you allowed to use any of the dials included with any HiveWire3D base character?

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
You are allowed to use any dials included with any HiveWire 3D base character.

Dusk isn't a separate character that can be purchased, such as Rodrigo or Dante, but is now a morph included with Dusk SE, similar to how the three SE Faces are included with Dawn.

Does that make sense?


Contributing Artist
Final Render (Poser Superfly)
Title: Beach Bunny
Morphs used: DawnSE Base, Starter Morphs, Head, Body Shapes, Narrow Shoulders, Perfect Pelvis, RawArt's Hero Mini-Morph, and Lyrra's Shape of Dawn.


Dials setup:

Comparison with default DawnSE:

Character views:


Contributing Artist
Final Render (the dinosaur one): REMOVED
I was going to wait until there was an official ruling on the exact use of SculptedDusk morph dials and whether that would disqualify my original Final Render, but in the mean time I removed the ScuptedDusk morphs entirely... and have decided that I like the results of the background-less test render better anyway, so I'll be posting that instead once I've run a full render.
Last edited:


Contributing Artist
A belated thank you to those who clarified the Dusk / DuskSE dial setting question. Thank you!


More entries, yay...hope there are more to come.

OMG that dinosaur one, lol! He looks appropriately freaked out. Hubby and I are heading to Chicago at the end of September to wander the museums. Definitely going to visit Sue the T. Rex. I've had a love affair with dinosaurs since I was in the third grade, which was a very long time ago.

Anyway, finally did a Dusk spin. Took a while to find inspiration and ended up with a stylized, toon-ish character and a superhero theme. I don't really do superhero stuff, so this one is a bit outside of my usual comfort zones.

Final Render: Incoming!


Used Sculpted Dusk, Dusk's Head Resource Morph Kit, Dusk Starter Morphs, Dusk's Body Shapes, and Dusk's Head Shapes. Texture is Axel. Dusk Hero Hair, Dusk's Facial Hair by RedZ from Rendo, and the Superhero Suit for Genesis 2 Male. One of Flink's Skydomes from Rendo too. The space ship must be from DAZ though I totally forgot I had it. A hodgepodge of lights, including Marshian's Rim Light Rig, which I use a lot.

Motion blur bits done in postwork.

Face detail:


An old-timey Strong Man look. If I'd had an old-fashioned carnival weight lifter suit and barbells I'd have used them here. :)

I was aiming for an inverted triangle with his body shape but there wasn't a morph dial to narrow his hips so I didn't quite get what I wanted. A couple comparisons with default Dusk SE:



Still working on something for Luna...


Contributing Artist
Final Render (Entry #2) (Poser Superfly)
Title: Felines
Morphs used: DawnSE Base, Starter Morphs, Head, Body Shapes, Narrow Shoulders, Perfect Pelvis, and RawArt's Muscle Mini-Morph.
Figures: DawnSE and HW Big Cat
Outfit: Savage Outfit for Dawn + Savage Weapons


Dials setup:


Still working on this a little bit and then need to write down all of my spun settings so I can officially enter.


  • testspin.png
    718.4 KB · Views: 360


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
Do Ruckus and the Gorilla count as character morphs and so are prohibited or would they fall under creatures?
I ask as I already see an entry close to my first idea... so I need something else.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Per the first bullet under the Rules & Guidelines, a morph such as the Gorilla, which is sold with texture maps is a character and not an allowable morph. The Gorilla would also be considered a creature.

  • At least one HiveWire Human Base Character and any combination of morphs.
    • Morphs are defined as Starter Morphs, Head and Body Shapes, Creature Heads, Head Morph Resource Kits, Mini-Morphs, Body-Types, teeth morphs, etc. and can be further defined as morphs that are not sold with texture maps as Characters.​

I need to consult with Lisa and the other CVs regarding Ruckus. I considered both Sculpted Dusk and Ruckus to be characters, but as neither includes texture maps, they may be allowable.


I need to consult with Lisa and the other CVs regarding Ruckus. I considered both Sculpted Dusk and Ruckus to be characters, but as neither includes texture maps, they may be allowable.

Yikes, I hope it's okay to use Sculpted Dusk, as I included a little bit of the body dial in my entry for Dusk. I thought it was like using Ken's or Raw's body shapes. If it's not okay to use that one, can I redo my entry?

Also, I haven't been including screen shots of dials used. I'd assumed the rules meant listing what morphs or morph sets were used, not the list of dials. Nobody has told me I needed to add them, but thought I'd clarify this anyway. I can add them if I need to?


Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Yes. You can still include either a list of dials and settings or screenshots of the dial settings.

I'm still waiting for a consensus on Sculpted Dusk and Ruckus.


Contributing Artist
I hope Sculpted Dusk is okay too! It was in the related sale? Characters were included but their textures were allowed, so their inclusion made sense; if Sculpted Dusk was not allowed for use as a morph, why was it included in the sale? (Were Ruckus and/or the gorilla in the sale?)


Contributing Artist
Wheee, I discovered how to display only currently used dials then undock that pane in DS! For this next set of dial spins I was aiming at an alien/fantasy look for Dusk (and I wanted an excuse to play with the lovely Seahorse, so I used this as an excuse to make him a rider).

Final Render, Entry #2: Warrior of the Sea

Merdusk character final.jpg

Daz Studio Iray render featuring Hivewire3D's DuskSE
Colour-shifted base texture with additional sequin texture applied to a geoshell, and new SSS settings
Morph packs used: Dusk's Creature Heads, Dusk's Head Morph Resource Kit, Sculpted Dusk, Dusk's Body Shapes, Dusk's Head Shapes

Also used: Hivewire3D Horse, FreyrStrongart's Seahorse, Daz3D's Rigged Water Iray 2 and Creative Water 3D Watersplashes, my own modelling for the trident.

Merdusk character study final.jpg

merdusk dials.jpg

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Both Sculpted Dusk and Ruckus fall into a grey area because neither include textures. I did mention Sculpted Dusk had been used in entries.


Contributing Artist
Seems a little late in the game to still be clarifying rules, but it's reasonable to me that whatever is in the "People/Morphs" Section of the store without also being in the "People/Texture and Skin Maps" section should be eligible, since the rules specifically mentioned textures. Ruckus, altho a character, could be viewed simply as a full body morph, since there is no texture included. I agree that seems a gray area. I never saw Sculpted Dusk as a character, simply as a full body morph that could be combined with others, similar to eg Bodybuilder or Amazon morph.


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
Just making sure I understand.
So Vampire for Dusk/Dawn and Reindeer for Dusk/Dawn since they include textures would be disqualifying, even mixed with other dial-spun morphs? So something like this is right out:

Seems a little late in the game to still be clarifying rules...
Nope, I will be rendering likely right up until minutes before the deadlibe if I participate. Never to late to make sure the effort wont be disqualified.