• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

"Spin to Win" Render Challenge! - CLOSED!


HW3D Vice President & Queen Bee
Staff member
Okay, folks. There are a couple of things that happened here. We had a mixup when moving the first post of this thread from a private forum to the public one and we lost the post in both places. We had to recreate it from an offline copy that was not the most current. In the rush to get the newsletter out and wrap up Friday things before the weekend we missed some things.

I am looking over this today and will correct the first post in this thread and then we can go from there.

Thank you for your patience.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Thank you Lisa, as I thought I had the most current version on my hard drive, but it's obvious now I didn't, and I apologize for that.


HW3D Vice President & Queen Bee
Staff member
No worries, Miss B. It wasn't just you. I had my share of 'oops' in losing the original post.

We went through our private discussions and pulled out the details that we had all agreed upon for this Render Challenge. The first post has been updated to reflect that.

Get those dials spinning and show us what you've got!

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Looking good Lisa, and I'm making a copy so I can update my offline version. ;)


Dream Weaver Designs
Final Render

Sitting Pretty
Used Base, Starter, Head, Body and CG3 Resource Kit Morphs


  • Spun3.jpg
    326.3 KB · Views: 394


Thanks! Fairy girl's face is a lot rounder and shorter than the Dawn SE base. I'd still love to see a few more dials for mid- and lower-facial depth. Maybe for the new Dawn?

I don't see why folks couldn't use negative morphs even if it requires unlocking a dial. I've been using negative values for years and always considered that just part of the whole dial spinning thing. Also don't think a full body render is necessary as people could choose to only do a face dial spin. If the body is part of the overall character's "personality" I think it would be nice to see.

I do have a question: what about using morphs created for one character that the user converts for use with another? It's not hard to do -- just kinda tedious -- and I did that with a bunch of free Dawn morphs so I could use some of them on Dusk. I'd understand though if that was considered outside the parameters of the rules.


Okay, so I opted not to enter the fairy for Dawn and decided to go for something a bit different. I want to do entries for all three HW figures, so only one for Dawn. :)

Final Entry: Carol for Dawn, aka "What did you just say about my romance novel?!"


She uses the Dawn Starter Morphs, Dawn Head Shapes, Dawn Body Shapes, Head Morph Resource Kit for Dawn, and a couple free morphs by Almostperfekt, including a bit of a face from 23 Faces for Dawn & More and an eye morph from one of the two other face morph sets (I'm not sure which one it was from originally.)

Carol's texture is Birkitta from here at Hivewire. :)

I wanted to do this one because I rediscovered this fantastic retro hair dryer in my content.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Use whatever lighting (your own or a purchased set) you want and are comfortable with. The focus should be on your character, but whether you chose to feature your character alone in a scene or interacting with props, inside or outside, portrait or full body is up to you. However, if your character includes body morphs, you might want a render of the full body.

I've posted in the CV discussion asking what others think about negative values. I also use negative values a lot with my own characters.

I too would like to see more mid-and lower-facial depth morphs with Dawn 2.0.

In the character creation contests I've participated in, the limit referred to the number of characters entered, with multiple renders (like front, back, sides) submitted. But, I'm honestly not sure if 3 entries refers to the characters entered or the renders entered! I'll ask for clarification of that too.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
She so does not look comfortable with the guy sitting behind her.

I agree the hair salon was the better choice as you were able to get closer in to your character. I absolutely love the closeups of her face.

An extra render that's not an entry and a detail of her face. I liked both renders but ended up going with the hair salon one:


And one more thing: is it correct to assume we could use whatever content in the scene (clothing, props and all), regardless of what store/freebie it comes from? And would it be okay if the clothing and hair on the Hivewire character were converted from items originally released for other figures?


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
can i use Sora morphs in Dawn Se?
or She is considered as a character and not a morph set?

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
I think Sora, Alexis, Axel, and Diva are considered characters rather than morph products. However, you can use Sora's skin texture.

Clothing, hair, skin texture, and props do not need to be from HiveWire or for HiveWire figures. They can even be your own modeled/created content. However, free content probably needs to allow commercial or contest use since there are prizes.