• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do



It's seems strange, looking back at those sketches...it was a very long time ago, and yet seems like yesterday. Time really flies...


Hey Seliah....thanks...I was always doodling on something back then...I'd sketch during classes, after meals sitting at the table, whenever I had to wait for any reason in the car...it became my down time hobby...haha.

Seliah, by up, are you meaning your website, or ShareCG?

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Hey Seliah....thanks...I was always doodling on something back then...I'd sketch during classes, after meals sitting at the table, whenever I had to wait for any reason in the car...it became my down time hobby...haha.

Seliah, by up, are you meaning your website, or ShareCG?

Well, I always cross-post to my website, sharecg, and deviantart whenever I add a freebie. But once I have the items added, I come in here and make a post on my freebie thread.

The post for the Gen4 resets is here: Childe Of Fyre Freebies

So yes. The Gen4 resets are "up" now. :) People can download from whichever link they prefer to use.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Got them :) ...and a bunch of your character sets too on ShareCG...cool...thanks!

LOL If you like them, you might want to check the website. I was one of the holdouts who didn't set up a ShareCG account for several years... kind of didn't want my stuff scattered everywhere. So there's a bunch on my website that was never posted to ShareCG also. ;)

But you're welcome, Sky. ^_^


Some of the freebie character sets for older figures that I have are less than great...so I'm always interested in unique character textures. The only time that I need to use them is when I'm doing big scenes, like now.

I think I've finally tweaked every hand and every finger of the Poser scene...and can start now on the DS conversion this evening.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Nice. :) The big pose scene/sets are always a ton of work. They don't come together very quickly usually.

I think I only have a couple of textures on the website... most of my older character sets were just morphs/shapes. By the time I was good enough to start making skins, we were onto the Gen4's and like 99.99999% of the MR's all were very explicit "NO FREEBIES ALLOWED" terms.

-- I have Nathan Tlaloc - M4 - he's a skin set freebie.
-- Then there's Rayne - V2 and V3 versions - she's a skin set freebie also, but more fantasy styled; is not meant for realism.
-- Lauralynne - V2 - not very good, it was a really REALLY early skin of mine.
-- There's Liung - M4, in my Characters section is the morph, and under Unicornst you can find his skin (As well as some others that I hosted for her before she left the hobby).
-- Also under the Hosted area, if you click on JamminWolfie, you'll find his Amanda Hopkins - V4 - is hosted there as well (skin+morph).

The others are pretty much all morphs, either partial (head) or full morphs. Again because back then I wasn't skilled enough yet to do skin sets, and then the newer ones it's been really difficult to find MRs that allow for freebies.


I'll take a look...I don't have many V2, V3, or V4 texture sets, always focused on the male characters, because there seemed to be such a need, and I figured if I chose those themes and stayed there, and wouldn't be stepping on anyone else's turf, since vendors always expressed no interest real interest in supporting those figures. So, I camped out there...and also with Nursoda character stuff.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
I understand totally. I tend to do more male than female stuff... kind of always have, for similar reasons. There's less content support and the stuff is needed. :) Also I maybe enjoy a little TOO much - breaking the stereotypes that many stores/vendors put the male content into. LOL


Well, that too....it bothers me when there's very little content of men, doing guy stuff...instead of...well, you know...haha. And I can tell there are guys on ShareCG who appreciate it...some of them, I'm familiar with the type of work they do, combat and military themes, or they're in the aviation or cars...whatever. Cars and western are always popular on ShareCG.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Uhm... I actually only recently was able to pick it up. Sale price combined with a small prize money award... so I ended up only paying $9 for it. Have not yet had a chance to test it out...


Just wondered...it mentions Roxie as well as Dawn and Dusk....and I just got an email announcing the release of the two updates.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Yep... it's something I am going to test out, but it's on my to-do list... not exactly top priority at the moment as I'm still fighting with Nataani's textures... feel like I"m banging my head into a brick wall at this point with them. But anyway. Yes, I have it, but haven't had time yet to crack it open and test it out. I'm not sure if it will even work on my system, because the other software I have from that vendor (Blacksmith3D) doesn't do a bloody thing except crash whenever I try to use it.

I'll find out eventually, but it's down the line on the to-do list for me yet.


The movie was really well done...stayed true to the original tone of the strip for the benefit of all us Peanuts purists :)

Hope things are going well for you Terre :)

Only have four more poses to convert to DS, from what I've created so far. I still have the two thieves to do, since there will be three crosses, and perhaps a few people in the crowd. I may use the LoRez Arab for these, to be lighter on system resources. Hopefully I will have everything ready for upload at least by Sunday night.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Wow...bet you're looking forward to that...more crashing software...haha.

I'd take the crashing software over continuing to find NEW seams...

I am now re-drawing all of the dirt around the back of the head on these textures...

Been watching the Peanuts video...Snoopy dancing to the Gipsy Kings is cute

That IS cute, though. Snoopy's got some style there. :)