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Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
I got about a three hour nap today. Better than nothing. :)

Still working on that picture from last night... giving Poser a couple days break for my own sanity. LOL

Sorry to hear you haven't been well. But it looks like you're making some good progress on those poses. Resting in between sounds like a good idea.


Glad you rested at least some. Takes awhile to finally come in for a landing once you get into a bout with insomnia.

The pose work helps me take my mind off how I feel.

It's been like a three-ring circus here on the forum...so many new folks arriving, I see it's keeping you busy...haha...I also noticed a post today about an uproar on Rendo.

Guess I'd better go offline now and stretch out for awhile...feeling the need for it. What a drag...sigh.

Maybe I can catch up with you later if I can get some rest for awhile :)

See you later :sleep:


I just had to come back on to share the cool news. I emailed Mark Fowler about considering doing a props scene file for the Last Supper project, and he responded positively, saying he was already considering it, when he saw the DS version :) This has made my day, I'm so excited...it can finally be done right...he has excellent modeling skills. He did the guitar, mandolin and violin for last year's project.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
It's been like a three-ring circus here on the forum...so many new folks arriving, I see it's keeping you busy...haha...I also noticed a post today about an uproar on Rendo.

It's been a good kind of circus, though, and a good kind of busy. Lots of new and (old) faces coming in. It's been really nice to see.

Got a little more work done on this picture, too. Definitely was needing a break from the Poser files and getting back into something I'm more comfortable with. (I keep getting reminded of just how badly V4 and M4 are made to be "all legs" whenever I do stuff like this that does not involve hiding them under lots of different layered clothing items...)


I really do like this stethoscope... the entire thing is boned all the way down to the bottom, and the ear pieces move just fine as well. It was very well thought-out on the part of the modeler. This is the first (and to date, ONLY) stethoscope I've ever found in 3D that can be positioned to actually MOVE appropriately in a scene. (Though I need to fix the bending in a couple of spots on it in this one, as it's a little too kinked yet.)

The more I work on this, the more I am reminded of just how short Blake is.. poor guy he is gonna be craning his neck for his entire life just to look people in the eye. LOL. :D

I just had to come back on to share the cool news. I emailed Mark Fowler about considering doing a props scene file for the Last Supper project, and he responded positively, saying he was already considering it, when he saw the DS version :) This has made my day, I'm so excited...it can finally be done right...he has excellent modeling skills. He did the guitar, mandolin and violin for last year's project.

That sounds like great news, Sky. It's really nice to be able to work with someone in order to get a project completed to where you really want it. Congrats. :) Those poses are a LOT of work, too...


Hey Miss B :) Am doing some cooking so thought I'd come online awhile. The Last Supper sets so far have done well, all except Dusk. M4 for DS had about 70 downloads in the first 24 hours, which was amazing. Dusk not nearly that much...which seems to be always the case. Oh well...

I'm taking a look at Genesis 2 now as a possibility, and in the process realized that Genesis 3 has installed in my DS 4.7, and he seems to work. I didn't think he would work in anything but DS 4.9...so I guess I'll grab some freebies so he'll have clothing enough to create pose sets.

I'm still a bit draggy today, but better than yesterday so thought I'd better get my cooking done. I have to have certain foods cooked a certain way, so it has to be done, regardless of how I feel.

Seems like things are simmering down a little here on the forum :)


Still lots of M4/V4 users out there. Both Poser and D/S.
Things do seem to be calming down as people adjust to the change.


Hey Terre :) Yes, some peace and calm would be to everyone's benefit...continuing to make the rounds at all the forums and staying upset will just ruin folks' health and make it impossible for them to even rest. I have to especially be careful of that sort of thing, to not let it go on to long, or it has a negative impact. After years of having people with very low initiative and what seemed to be hopeless situations on the job pluck my nerves and drive patience to the edge, while holding it all inside in order to be "nice" and "politically correct", my blood pressure still tends to go up quickly, even though those situations are long gone and past, the effects of it still tends to kick in. There's a scene in the movie A League of Their Own where Tom Hanks, playing the role of the coach, is trying to get his reactions under control while correcting the team, and he's shaking like a leaf while doing it...haha....I always laugh whenever I see that, because that's how it felt for me, though I didn't show it. So I know when I need to chill out...I know all the early warning signals now.


I had a request on ShareCG for a possible Apollo Last Supper set, so after getting some rest, I started the project, getting stone mats applied, and beginning the scene. Much to my surprise, I think Apollo is going to end up being superior to all of the models, not only because of his rigging, but also his general body build suits classical art very well. Here's progress so far :)

I'm off again to get some rest before running errands today.



Hey Terre :) We put off our errands until later in the day...good thing, since I got caught up in working on this...it's almost eerie how much more natural this version appears. I can work fast now because I almost have the positioning memorized.
