Hey Linda....yeah, more and more folks are being affected by this, on different levels of severity. Wearing of masks helps others, but if others refuse, they are not returning the courtesy....and with an increase in social contact, it's unavoidable in some cases. My heart goes out to health care workers that are on their feet long hours and looking so drained from dealing with all this. When I recently had my oncologist follow up, she said "in a perfect world, I should see you in six months, but with the possibility of increased spread and lockdown again, maybe we should schedule you to return in a year". I had a friend help me with stocking up on non-perishable food and cleaning products for the winter. Stores in this area kept running out of alcohol, peroxide, bleach and toilet we kept going to different places until we got a good stash. I've pretty much done the same thing each winter since retirement...the only differnce is the shortages, and desperation that people appear to be feeling. This is the first time I've tried to cover the entire winter season....and I've had to tape the fridge doors shut...haha....and spare spaces in the closets are crammed with disinfectants and medical stuff.