• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do



That's the truth! And no wonder they were spending time testing what Jenn had described as "new content". That was a lot of work to get ready by a short deadline.



Hey Dani....now I just love the Harsh Winter Predicted render....that's right up my alley! Where in the world did you find that old sink, and that wonderful open window. I tried looking for something like that for an open window through which Andy could fly back home into the Poser 11 DVD box. And that cat curled up on that corner table....he looks real. Love it! My brother tells me I'm old fashioned because I prefer things like this instead of modern, digital-controlled appliances. I like things to be warm and homey, not like the current modern trend of making the home look similar to a sterile business environment. Sometimes watching HGTV can be traumatizing for me....haha....since they attack and destroy everything "dated", when my mind is working on a solution to salvage it, and make it functional again :) I also struggle with all the beautiful homes that are having walls destroyed in pursuit of "open concept"...and I'm thinking, they'll have a great time, year's later, scrubbing down their living room, since walls help contain the effects of cooking on the rest of the house....and in the case of a house fire, there are no doors to shut, and the place would go up like a grass shack. My brother rescued me from a house fire when I was very young...and I still remember it...and because we had doors to shut and ways to contain it, my parents, working frantically together, put it out by themselves...it destroyed a kitchen wall, but they repaired it themselves. So sometimes "old fashioned" is based upon experience :)



I think I failed to post the ShareCG link to the Poser pets project, so I'll so it here. It's been surprisingly well-received for older content on the first day online. I guess many folks are still using older versions of Poser.

Set of 11 poses for the Poser Legacy Pets that can be found in the Poser 7 and 8 Legacy content, including the Poser 8 dog, the cat, the dog, the original Poser dog and the original Poser cat. The Legacy Pet Poses should be applied AFTER unchecking IK on the legs...for the original dog and cat (the oldest models), this means unchecking all four legs, the later models were just the hind legs. Having IK applied is what causes the unusual twisting and distortion of the legs.




Thanks for the link Dani....I'll put that in my wish list for the next sale :) I've been looking through my stuff for anything that has a window that opens...I found a couple things, but none as pretty as that window in your render, with that design trim.

And yeah, my parents sent my brother upstairs to haul me out of bed...it was right before sunrise, and the fire was spreading up the kitchen wall, which was right under my bed upstairs. So he came upstairs, snatched me, and then ran outside with me. That way my parents could keep splashing buckets of water on the wall until the fire was extinguished. Thankfully that old house was well made, so only the one wall had to be replaced.
