• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do


Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Morning Terre, and those are nice renders Sky.

Oh I agree with you Sky, getting up when you please is such a nice thing. I always hated living by the clock.


First thing I did when I quit work was retire my big, loud, alarm clock. When I was working I needed one that had a hit you on the head with a hammer feature, so it was the nearest thing that I could find with an annoyingly loud alarm. I never wanted to hear that thing again....haha. My little whimpy battery clock now wakes me...only when I feel like it :)


The snow is disappearing fast...the sun is finally winning the battle with the heaps of snow, and the temps are slowly edging upward each day. Looks like I may be able to get out this weekend :)

Hope all is well for you Miss B, as NY digs out. Hi Seliah :)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Yes, it's melting here too. :) I was out yesterday, and walking around was easy, even the curbs where you cross the streets were nice and clear. All the cars around here have no snow on them anymore, but there's still plenty piled up at the curb from where the snowplows pushed it on there way through to clear the streets after the blizzard ended. There's also still some on the grassy areas,and some of the bushes, though those too are clearing up as well.


We had two foot drifts to deal with at my door, near the car...so you get the picture. When they cleared with the tractor, it made a huge dent in the problem, but it still left walls of snow for the sunshine to work on.


Jo's battery aquarium pump arrived today...it can keep his bubbles going even if we have to go without power. I need to search for a solution to keeping him warm in the event of power loss. If it happened now, I'd have to stay up with him and heat water on a little cast iron mini warmer. With the winters gradually getting more extreme, I feel the need to be prepared. Goldfish can take a lot in terms of temp drop, but not what would happen in a power out. And since he's bigger now, his needs are more complicated....he's nearly 10 inches long now, so I can't cram him into a little bowl and sit him at a sunny window to warm up o_O


He's such a faithful little pet...most people have their dogs begging for food at dinner time....I have my goldfish doing it. He's trained to a routine much the way a dolphin would be...so at dinner if I sit down to my plate and he doesn't yet have his, he comes to the corner of the tank and just looks at me...and if I don't get the hint, he flips a little water at me...haha. He watches every move I make when I'm cooking, and knows the routine like it's rehearsed. So, I've got to take care of little Jo.


Smart not-so-little fish. :) I've never seen a goldfish kept in a situation where it can get that big. OTOH that is on the small end of what I remember of his relatives in Japanese gardens.


The trick is, keep one fish in a large tank, and they will grow bigger. I read that somewhere online, and thought I'd try it. It definitely works...haha.
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Does anybody know or understand what this freebie does? I'm asking because they mentioned doing one for Dusk and Dawn soon. I'm not sure if it makes V4 compatible for Poser 10/Poser Pro 2014 face room, or if it's going completely over my head. I noticed there's an EVO product for Paul and Pauline, but this seems to be a freebie that does the same thing with V4.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Oh I got that update on Sunday. In fact, I posted it in the Software > Poser forum as an addition to the thread I started when the first SR1 came out a few months ago, even though Chuck Taylor (Nerd3D) stated the official release date was on Monday. I just changed the title to "More" Poser updates. Maybe I should've added it as an "Edited to Add" on the first post in the thread. I'll have to remember to do that in the future. I suspect a bunch of folks never saw my post, but I saw that post at RDNA and went and got it.


Yeah, I've gotten so I check at RDNA regularly for announcements about Poser, but I've been busy doing other things the last few days and missed that one...oh well, downloading now :)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Just a fair warning, though it didn't take long for mine, once you install it's going to "index" your Library folders.

Mine took about 40 minutes, as far as I can tell, but someone posted in that thread it took her/him 36 hours, and at that point s/he had given up. I don't have every 3D item I own installed on this laptop, and that's probably why mine didn't take long.

What I still don't know, but could guess, is whether it indexes all the Runtimes PP11 is pointing to. IOW, my P9 Runtime, as well as the Poser content in my DS 3A Runtime. Since I don't have much actually installed in the PP11 Runtime, I suspect the answer is yes, it indexes all relevant Runtimes.


I saw that...36 hours...wow. I have multiple separate runtimes, to keep my sanity when picking through content....western stuff is separated from cars and props and toons, etc. or else I'd probably never find stuff. Maybe I'll wait on the actual update until I'm ready to quit for the night, and just let it update while I'm sleeping :sleep: Thanks for the reminder :)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I'm not sure it can be done that way Terre, as I didn't ask it to index, it just started doing it as soon as I opened PP11 after the update. I suspect Poser 11 (both formats) has that built in. I've never had P10 or PP2014/Game Dev, so don't know if those versions had it in any format. I do know P9 doesn't.