• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do



She used to use D/S but when 4 came out she didn't have a computer that could handle it. She switched to poser 7 and now has a better computer and PP2014. She thinks the tack looks good and is thinking of getting Harry.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
I have a friend who renders only with the Genesis lines herself... but she uses Harry when she needs a horse also. :)

We may end up seeing a group of folks who buy primarily for the animals, too. And that is not entirely a bad thing. :laugh:

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
If she isn't a member here Sky, talk her into coming over and showing off her western renders. :)


Never hurts to offer content to a wide range of interests. I had no idea there was such an interest in western stuff until I started doing a few Mil Horse rodeo poses....folks jumped on them left and right. That's why I was hoping Hivewire would be quick about a release for products for HH...to so-to-speak strike while the iron was hot.


Hey Terre...did you hear that...invite her over to show her renders here...would love to have her, and I know folks would enjoy seeing her stuff. She's welcome to post here in my thread if she doesn't want to start one of her own.


Sometimes you just have to take a risk when creating stuff...sorta like fishing, see if there's a nibble, then go with it. That's how I worked with Suro some online, her interest in the western poses. I don't know the first thing about rodeo...but I used photos and YouTube videos for reference, and just did the best I could to recreate what I thought I was seeing :)


If Suro does happen by, here are links to the only Hivewire Horse poses I've done to this point, but I will be getting started on hopefully several sets soon.



Also, the last time I worked with Suro, she asked if I had Diamond...at the time I didn't, but since I have gotten that horse also.



Well, I'm going offline now...setting up a Hivewire western runtime now to make things easier. Everyone, have a good evening...and see you tomorrow :)
For anyone who may not know what I'm talking about...
The bit used in the Daz Western set is strictly a Calvary/race/cart/carriage horse one here out West unless you are riding English style. The bridle that cowboys use is descended from the Spanish one. So When Surocheck makes a Western render she kitbashes the Daz sets using the Western saddle but the Spanish bridle.

Is there a spanish bridle available that has a curb strap? I searched for "Spanish Bridle DAZ" and nothing came up. I haven't seen a bridle that has the curb that is used in almost all western bridles and have been looking for it.

Maybe it is out of style now but I had a horse as a teenager that I used a hackamore with a curb strap on. If you tried to use a snaffle bit on her of any kind she just hated it and put her head in the air and pulled. A bit with a curb she would tolerate but a hackamore with a curb strap and she was the most responsive thing you have ever ridden. So have been searching for this type of bit and bridle for my renders.
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@ Dragonegg : Unfortunately I haven't seen one with a curb strap. Most Western show/parade tack I've seen has one but what content makers seem to be focusing on is working horse gear and curb straps aren't common in Western paintings of cowboys on the range.
I haven't seen a hackamore either. Would be nice for someone to make both.
The item at Daz is Spanish Tack, I think.


Oh, since we have an international group here and some may not know what a hackamore is. It's a bridle with an enlarged, stiff nose band instead of a bit.


I wanted to post quick renders of some of the HH textures. I seemed to have problems with the Red Dunskin (above), with the appearance of the left front leg, so wanted to experiment with other textures to see if it was something I was doing wrong, but the ripples don't appear on the other textures. I really like the Red and was hoping to use him, but I may try the Bay instead. Anyway, here are quick, no frills renders of the Bay, Cream, Gypsy, and Shire.






Good morning...or should I say good afternoon. I just crawled out of the bed, so it seems like both....haha. Isn't retirement grand...sleep whenever you good and well please. :)