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Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
Those dynamics for Pauline do look nice. I went and downloaded them the other day when Sky found them, but I've been too busy driving myself crazy trying to make my own dynamics work to play with them.


GG, make sure you've got the re-uploaded version that includes the fix, just in case you missed that discussion...I think it was available for download yesterday sometime :)


Another Superfly render of Pauline's new dynamic gown. Everyone have a good evening, signing off now :)



Good morning everyone :) Hey GG, it occurred to me, the only thing I had that was born in '78 was one of these...my fifth car....haha.



Skylab, well now, I stopped making promises long ago. We'll see what comes next. ;)

Selia, nice to meet a similar soul her. Seems like we both are having the very best husbands ever. Nice to meet you.

By the way. Yes, everything is relative. In June I'll turn 53. From my point of view 36 is not that far away from being a teen. On the other hand form your daughter's perspective I may pass off as Methuselah. :laugh:


Haha...know what you mean about making promises. I've done the best to meet the ones made so far, but I know my solid promises have to be few these days :) I function more in the realm of "I hope to do it..."


Another Superfly render of Pauline's new dynamic gown.

Very well done!

Just a short hint to optimize dynamics on this dress. Make the Finger-tie material constrained group to make the nooses at the end of the sleeves stay around the figure's middle fingers.
I think, I also should put that hint in the readme for the archive.


That's one thing I'm still learning...using contrain. Miss B and GG helped coach me along on that awhile back, to help keep dynamics in place. I still have dynamic gowns that have full folds at the waists that I still haven't figured out how to get the constrain feature to work properly.


Oops ..., sorry! I was wrong. Material Finger-tie must be stet to rigid decorated group, not constrained group. And to make it work as expected allow hand collision on Pauline.

If you use Godwina Belt you have to set parts of it as constrained group to prevent the belt from falling down to the ground. I prefer to choose a view points oft belt from the middle of the rear of the belt.
Another important point is that the belt must not collide against the dress. Other wise the dress will cover the belt after drape has been calculated.

I consider doing a step-by-step how-to for dynamic simulation of that stuff, but cannot tell when it will be done. Maybe around next weekend.


Well Sky, Seliah's not quite near to "approaching senior", IIRC, and I'm way "into" the senior group, but that's OK. I like when folks don't guess my age. ;)
I'll be 54 in June so I guess I'm in the "approaching" category. LOL