• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do



Hey Terre...just having a little fun messing around with that today. Sure gets boring having to lay around more...it's not for me, and I see how old folks get so they can't walk good...laying around will do it to you, so I'm trying to strike a happy medium with that.


Good morning :) Doing some more rendering with Superfly. At the time Pappy created the models of the tabernacle furnishings, the only way to get realistic gold was to use something like Carrara, but Poser 6 and 7 would not begin to even come close to that quality. Replacing the Poser mats with D3D Superfly mats, it's now possible to get the correct appearance in Poser 11. Here is Pappy's ark, altar on incense, and menorah lamp, and the table of bread from the Meshbox Tabernacle. Also shown below is Bionic Rooster's free Arc of the Covenant, with D3D mat replacement for Superfly.

Have a good day everyone. Time for rest now :)




Hi everybody,

I'm the one who is guilty of creating the coat, tunic, trousers, and boots for Paul you are discussing about. ;-)

skylab kindly invited me to this chat. To read your discussion and comments was balsam for my soul after a tough working day. Thank you very much for your interest in my stuff.

About the initial pmd problem. Silly me just missed to take care of the path inside the cr2 files. Again many thanks to skylab for his note on my Fauxpas at ShareCG.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Welcome to the HiveWire forums, and Sky's Chat thread, Maja. Make yourself comfortable. ;)


Hi Maja...glad you could make it to Hivewire, and that you found the chat thread :) I've recently started taking it easier for health reasons, so my visits to the chat thread are not as frequent as they used to be, but we've got a good group here, and I think you'll enjoy Hivewire forum. It's always nice to meet new friends in the 3D community who are productive creating quality work. One thing that's unique about this chat thread is we help each other with work in progress...Miss B and GG are very experienced with Poser dynamic cloth. Miss B and Seliah are experienced using Blender, and Seliah knows a great deal about DAZ Studio. Terre's husband is Jim Farris, a name familiar on ShareCG as a long time, very experienced Poser user. So now you know everybody, so settle in and make yourself at home.

You probably recognize my name for pose sets on ShareCG. I'm a retired little old lady who is having to behave lately due to health reasons. Heard the saying "burning the candle at both ends"? Well, I've done that all my life, and so it's no surprise I'm running a little short on wax these days...haha. I've been using mostly Poser for 10 years, beginning with DAZ Studio the first year. Besides biblical illustration, I enjoy toon work and creating simple animations.

Maja, hope you'll be planning more projects, and we look forward to seeing what you'll be creating. And again, a warm welcome to the Hive :)


I'm glad to be here. Thank you all for your kind reception. Special thanks to skylab for introducing the chat participants to me.

About me: I was born in 1963 in Germany where I still live. Thus I apologize for my English jabbering in advance. :)

I've been using 3D creation software since the late 1980th starting on an Amiga 1200 with a very early version of Cinema4D. In 2001 I switched to PC. The following years there was not much time for any hobby due to private circumstances. Years went by ... Not bevor 2014 I accidently stumbled upon the then already obsolete, price reduced version 9 of Poser at a store nearby. From that point I was lost. The 3D virus got me again. Currently I use Poser 11 Pro.

One of the best of Poser - I think - is it's community where people all over the world help each other and share their artwork even for free.

Most likely I will do more projects. Actually I do not plan any project. Everything is about inspirations of all kind, on the Internet, from TV, from tours, from what ever. If an idea finds me I spent most of my spare time in front of my PC and don't rest until it's done. Many, many thanks to my beloved husband who endures so many "lonely" hours with no complains.

Today I put together SF material for Bonic Rooster's free Arc of the Covenant skylab pointed to. And maybe this is the beginning of a new project ...

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Terre's husband is Jim Farris, a name familiar on ShareCG as a long time, very experienced Poser user.
Ohhh, is Jim related to the popular RDNA vendor Eric Farris by any chance???? Curious minds want to know. ;)


Well, I'm back from my nap. I've behaved all day, so I get to play a little tonight :whistling:

Maja...wow, look at that....Superfly mats already for Bionic Rooster's Arc...now that's working fast...and good...I like it!
I get my "inspiration" similarly as you do also :) You're in Germany, so it's like 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. there now, so you're probably most active online early mornings to afternoon our time (east coast US). Sounds like you have a long history with 3D, so it has been definitely something you enjoy. If you've been around the community awhile, have you ever met Karth, from Germany also...she's one of our vendors here and good friend...our paths crossed frequently when we were doing Nursoda character work (Frank's also from Germany).

Miss B and I both are using Poser Pro 11, Seliah is learning Poser 11, and I think Terre's household is sticking with Poser Pro 2014 for now...so lots of Poser friends here...and by the year of your birth, seems you fit right into this "approaching senior" group of ladies...did I put that nicely enough folks...haha? Always nice to welcome one more :)

And by the way Maja....any biblical stuff you get inspired to create will certainly make me a very happy camper. A dynamic robe for Paul or Pauline....that would be great. If you all have checked out Maja's Gallery at ShareCG, you'll see that she did the fully rigged cabinet, with lights and accessories awhile back, and the archway construction kit, so that means she's no stranger to great prop work too. So if you're feeling inspired Maja, you're in the right place...all I can say is. let it happen...haha :)
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Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Miss B and I both are using Poser Pro 11, Seliah is learning Poser 11, and I think Terre's household is sticking with Poser Pro 2014 for now...so lots of Poser friends here...and by the year of your birth, seems you fit right into this "approaching senior" group of ladies...did I put that nicely enough folks...haha? Always nice to welcome one more :)
Well Sky, Seliah's not quite near to "approaching senior", IIRC, and I'm way "into" the senior group, but that's OK. I like when folks don't guess my age. ;)

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
@Maja Hi there. :) Welcome to the forums here. I'm in and out of the thread quite a bit; sometimes I'm quiet for longer periods than others. It all depends on what I'm working on at the time and what stage I'm at for the item's process.

It's nice to have you here. Sky is really good at sniffing out good freebies. I haven't done a whole lot with Paul or Pauline yet, as I've been trying to finish up this Dusk character, but I do think that outfit looks very well done.

Actually I do not plan any project. Everything is about inspirations of all kind, on the Internet, from TV, from tours, from what ever. If an idea finds me I spent most of my spare time in front of my PC and don't rest until it's done. Many, many thanks to my beloved husband who endures so many "lonely" hours with no complains.

You sound so much like me and how I work! LOL. My Bear puts up with the same from me. I will take breaks at times where I don't do anything 3D to indulge him also... he has been so supportive of this over the years. He does not understand it, but he has been supportive of it nonetheless. I count myself very lucky to have that. :)

I don't usually plan things out before I make them, either. I get a bug in my hair to do something, and I might have a basic idea, but by the time I'm done, it rarely looks anything like what I initially set out to make. Or, I end up with a bunch of stuff all together that spawned out of making the first thing.

I started doing 3D back around 2002. I made my first freebie in 2004. I started with Poser 4, used P4 and P5, then went from P5 to P7... then I ended up shifting over to Daz Studio because my hardware at the time could no longer handle Poser at all - whereas DS would still let me make content, even if not anything else. It wasn't until I got my current system that I was able to run a version of Poser well enough to use it, so I'm sort of re-learning the software here.

Back when I was using Poser on a daily basis, it was before I started doing any kind of heavy texturing or character creation. So, I'm not very good in the material room yet... and Poser lighting and I have a mutual agreement : it hates me, and I hate it. LOL! But I'll get a handle on it, because I do try to support both programs as much as I can with the content I make. All told, I've been doing 3D for just under 15 years, and I've been doing some form of content creation for 12 years. I am definitely WAY more comfortable in Studio than Poser, but I am still making myself learn it. ;)

Miss B and Seliah are experienced using Blender, and Seliah knows a great deal about DAZ Studio.

I would not say I'm "experienced" with Blender yet. I am still learning that program as well as Poser 11. I'm getting more comfortable with it, but as anyone in the Blender software forum here can tell you... I am still at the stage of asking newbie questions on it... LOL

Well Sky, Seliah's not quite near to "approaching senior", IIRC, and I'm way "into" the senior group, but that's OK. I like when folks don't guess my age. ;)

I'm 36. Born in 1979. Definitely not a senior yet, but I'm not a teenager, either. :p LOL, I was 22 when I first started this hobby... my girl was only three years old, and she's a late-teen now. Sheesh, that puts it into perspective alright! :D

Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
I'm 36. Born in 1979. Definitely not a senior yet, but I'm not a teenager, either. :p LOL, I was 22 when I first started this hobby... my girl was only three years old, and she's a late-teen now. Sheesh, that puts it into perspective alright! :D

Hey! I'm not the youngest person here. I was born all the way back in '78 :bday:.