Well, there was a time when women who had a confident presentation, or were the "leader" types were considered less than feminine, but things are changing now. When I first started in 3D, very few women expressed an interest in modeling, and that happened to be the way I started, piddling with props in order to help Sarah...and everything thereafter that we tackled just didn't fit the mold of what when did with 3D...like animation. Finally her interest settled more in making clothing textures, the accepted feminine role, and I was still hammering out animations...and I think that carried things along for years. It wasn't until I had to start taking some breaks due to health issues that I finally shared that I was older, and walked with a cane. I had noticed that men tend to "spar" with each other about 3D techniques, so it cut down on guys trying to do that with me, but it also can lead to folks not taking you as seriously if there's not some command in the presentation.