• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do



Just thought I'd share those Poser 11 tips with you Seliah....you've been so very generous in sharing your knowledge of DS4, so was hoping to reciprocate a little :)

Also, it's worth mentioning another very hard worker. The list of Nursoda characters was a shared project with Wayii...we each took half and searched every corner of the internet to come up with a thorough list of available content at the time. Then Wayii took it a step further and by herself created an extremely detailed WIKI of all that information, which generated interest not only in Nursoda characters, but also for Hivewire during its early beginnings. It's worth mentioning her hard work and attention to detail, qualities characteristic in her excellent textures. I enjoy energetic people, and she was no doubt a bundle of energy. Just wanted to give credit where credit was definitely due....and many folks were enjoying the information gathered from those efforts.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Hmmmmm, I thought I read somewhere the Construct is loaded by default with PP11, and that you didn't have to load it. I thought it odd, since I can only "see" it in preview mode if I load it from the primitives.

That said, however, a new scene, by default, does have a Ground plane, so I was assuming that you see that by default, but the dome isn't seen until you put a texture on it. I still haven't played with it much, so can't really attest one way or the other, but I thought the person who posted it in an RDNA thread was one of the Poser beta testing team members. Of course, I'm not positive on that score either, but several other folks have said the same thing.

Thanks for the link to Bob's UV map of it. That could come in handy one day. ;)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Just thought I'd share those Poser 11 tips with you Seliah....you've been so very generous in sharing your knowledge of DS4, so was hoping to reciprocate a little :)

Also, it's worth mentioning another very hard worker. The list of Nursoda characters was a shared project with Wayii...we each took half and searched every corner of the internet to come up with a thorough list of available content at the time. Then Wayii took it a step further and by herself created an extremely detailed WIKI of all that information, which generated interest not only in Nursoda characters, but also for Hivewire during its early beginnings. It's worth mentioning her hard work and attention to detail, qualities characteristic in her excellent textures. I enjoy energetic people, and she was no doubt a bundle of energy. Just wanted to give credit where credit was definitely due....and many folks were enjoying the information gathered from those efforts.
Yes, I loved her texture sets, and was disappointed when she dropped off the map at DAZ, but I couldn't blame her. I have seen newer stuff by her at ShareCG, so I'm glad she's still doing textures.


Yes, Wayii is still doing great texture work occasionally, but I think she's weary of what goes on sometimes in the 3D community. We know from experience there are lots of bees in the 3D community as a whole, which includes all the forums and stores...there are new-bees, harmless and enthusiastic to learn, busy bees who are productive and helpful, but then there are the dreaded swarming wanna-bees. All of us have been stung by those at one time or another o_O

And yes, Miss B, you are correct, the construct loads by default in Poser 11. However, if a person chooses to not load their scenes to factory state, or deletes the dome out of a scene for some reason, I was showing where to find it, and stuff similar to it, in the Props. There are some nice goodies there, but if folks get used to Poser as it has been for years, they may not know to even look, so just sharing those tips for the benefit of people new to Poser 11.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Yes, Wayii is still doing great texture work occasionally, but I think she's weary of what goes on sometimes in the 3D community. We know from experience there are lots of bees in the 3D community as a whole, which includes all the forums and stores...there are new-bees, harmless and enthusiastic to learn, busy bees who are productive and helpful, but then there are the dreaded swarming wanna-bees. All of us have been stung by those at one time or another o_O
Yes, I know how that goes. It's so unnecessary when someone finds they just "have to" make a snide remark, when it's really not necessary.

And yes, Miss B, you are correct, the construct loads by default in Poser 11. However, if a person chooses to not load their scenes to factory state, or deletes the dome out of a scene for some reason, I was showing where to find it, and stuff similar to it, in the Props. There are some nice goodies there, but if folks get used to Poser as it has been for years, they may not know to even look, so just sharing those tips for the benefit of people new to Poser 11.
Ahhhh OK. I thought it was there, but folks using Poser 11 (Standard or Pro) as their first experience with the software, wouldn't know where to find such things, so that is a good thing to mention.
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I took me awhile to find all the parts to the Backdrop and the Construct dome...so I figured, why not save someone else the time hunting for it...haha.

I'm so used to the rendering results with Vue when it comes to landscapes and seascapes...and I'm determined to find a way to get decent results in Poser. This was a Galilee boat (called the Kinneret boat) made for me by a guy named Clark back in my days of messing with Vue. I tried to find it on Cornucopia but the search is not easily navigated...however I did discover that they have started selling Poser stuff...yay!!

Realms Art Genesis

Desert House with Stairs

They've got about five pages of Poser content now, including the Poser program. That's a surprising turn :)

Anyway, I wish I could use Clark's boat in Poser, but it was Vue only, and you have to have the high dollar versions of Vue to even convert to OBJ, so it can only be for Vue renders. Pappy did a good job re-creating the boat in a little less detail, enough for distance scenes. Here's Clark's boat done in Vue 6 many years ago.

kinneret boat.jpg

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Yes, I started in 3D with Bryce, which does some wonderful renders of water, and I'd always heard that Vue was like Bryce on steroids, but I never got into it. I think I still have Vue 5 Esprit somewhere on a disc, but the cost of keeping up with all the addons and such, I figured my purchases for Bryce, and eventually Poser, were expensive enough. Only other software I've seen do those kinds of water renders is Carrara, but it and I don't get along. ~sigh~

Of course, the high-end software like 3DS Max and Maya, etc., will render some wonderful water scenes, but for us poor folks who can't afford them, Bryce, Vue and Carrara were great for those.

I'll have to check out the CP Poser items, though I've rarely purchased anything there. As far as selling Poser there, that's where I got Poser 7 and Poser 9, so at one point they did sell it. Since Poser 2014, I believe, you can only download it through SM's download manager, so I guess they figured it wasn't necessary to have CP sell it. I wonder if Poser 11 can be downloaded from CP if someone buys it there. Hmmmmm . . . .

Edited to Add: OK, I misread and/or just misunderstood, because I thought you said CP was selling Poser items and Poser software. I didn't realize you were referring to Cornucopia's site. Silly me. Anyway, that's Poser 10 on that page, and if I'm not mistaken, you can even buy older versions of Poser on Amazon. I guess Cornucopia hasn't sold any Poser items before, but it's nice to see they're doing so now.
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Did you mean Content Paradise, or Cornucopia, which I was speaking of...just clarifying :) Amen to the high price of keeping up with Vue...I have Vue 6 Esprit which I was able to upgrade to Pro Studio and that's as far as I got...then upgraded too fast for me, with no option to stay with the old version. I think the latest version I have is Vue 9 Esprit, and I gave up after that...but always loved the software capabilities, and relative intuitive interface. Another thing I didn't care for was locking content to a single version...that was rather limiting as well.

The Realms Art Genesis link above is actually for DAZ Studio 4, even though it says Poser. Since it was reasonably priced, I just picked it up and am trying to get it installed. It seems it's still someone married to the e-on product line, has a strange installation instruction...so will let you know if I get it to work. Apparently it's a character for Genesis, with clothing and props.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Yes we just cross-posted while I was typing my ETA statement. I thought you were discussing CP not Cornucopia. My mistake.

I saw that "locked" comment and was wondering what that was all about. Does that mean a product may ONLY work in one version, and are they talking about the difference between Esprit, Studio, Infinite, etc., or are they referring to say 2015 versus 2016? I don't get that at all.


Yeah, it's locked to versions...let's say, like in my case, I made it all the way to Pro Studio for version 6....and then decided to pick up and try again with Vue 9 Esprit. When you're installing, it asks it you want to change the association of your content to the newer version...so if you try to use it in the older version, which in my case had more features, the content has to be have association moved back to the older version. I just didn't like that at all...it was taking file protection way too far and I got discouraged with it. It's such a shame, because the software in my opinion is outstanding....just don't like the rapid upgrades or the version locked content.


Okay, all the weird directions for installation must be for standard Vue content....the zip file just contained the type files you'd normally find in a DS4 content installation...so I got it up and running with no problem, and no "locking". I've gotten accustomed to dynamic clothing lately, so the clothing doesn't have the same flowing appearance, but for ease of use with Genesis for a DS4 user, it's certainly worth the price. It has the full setup for the crucifixion with props and poses. The standing poses are a little...I'm not sure what's the word for it...I guess rigid word be the word, and a couple are leaning forward when they should be upright, so it was just the way they were saved probably....easily tweaked. Here's a quick render of the robe, cloak and sandals. I added the hair and beard since they are not included. Overall great for a DS4 user who needs content of this type, easy to use, fits right, and the price is right...and I say three cheers to the vendor who was bold enough to create content of this nature, and to Cornucopia for sponsoring the product. So, for those who like this sort of thing, give some support if you can....Realm Art Genesis Jesus



...and Vue Esprit 9 is up and running, with Clark's kinneret boat model loaded.

So that's all for me tonight...have to get up early tomorrow to run errands, since we opted to not go out on Saturday. See you all probably tomorrow evening....good night all :sleep:

VUE kinneret boat model.jpg


Hi Cajun...welcome to the chat thread. Just jump right in and feel at home. :)

You asked about the Hivewire Fluffy kitty...it's a Poser only program since it relies on the Poser hair room to work.

Blacksmith 3D has recently expanded it's textures to include more figures. And if you are a DS user, DAZ does have several converters to make both textures and clothing interchangeable. M4 for Genesis 2 is still on sale now, which converts both clothing and textures.

And I do like it that the Hivewire animals will work in both DS and Poser. I've never had any luck getting the DSON importer to work in Poser in order to use the newer DAZ animals, even following the documentation. It's been awhile since I tried it, but was discouraging when I tried it over a year ago. One advantage to using Poser is there's usually a way to import scene files to DS...that's why I set up all my work in Poser, create the poses and do the renders, then import to DS to convert pose sets. That's the way I do crossover work without getting in over my head in DS :)


Hi Cajun...welcome to the chat thread. Just jump right in and feel at home. :)

You asked about the Hivewire Fluffy kitty...it's a Poser only program since it relies on the Poser hair room to work.

Blacksmith 3D has recently expanded it's textures to include more figures. And if you are a DS user, DAZ does have several converters to make both textures and clothing interchangeable. M4 for Genesis 2 is still on sale now, which converts both clothing and textures.

And I do like it that the Hivewire animals will work in both DS and Poser. I've never had any luck getting the DSON importer to work in Poser in order to use the newer DAZ animals, even following the documentation. It's been awhile since I tried it, but was discouraging when I tried it over a year ago. One advantage to using Poser is there's usually a way to import scene files to DS...that's why I set up all my work in Poser, create the poses and do the renders, then import to DS to convert pose sets. That's the way I do crossover work without getting in over my head in DS :)
It's hard for me to find a cute little fluffy kitty to render without the LAMH presets and everytime I got to load those onto a figure my Daz crashes. And thanks for the welcome!

Also I want the Blacksmith Texture Converter that would work with Dawn so I can get more skin textures to use with Dawn.


I tested the LAMH player with DS 4.7 and had success. So far I've traced most of my crashes, both DS and Poser, on morphs attempting to load...for some reason it gets overwhelmed, sometimes stalls out, and sometimes crashes completely out to the desktop. Because of this I'm extremely careful with morphed characters, and save the scene often. The other thing that crashes in the cloth room is certain types of hair...it's as if it gets overwhelmed by the amount of information in the scene, so I have to be careful with hair, and again, save often. So, I don't know if LAMH has this same affect of your version of DS.