Easy Peasy. I saved the original post to a google doc, so let me dig it up. I used the same setup on the two above that I used with the Hyacinths here
Here are Lisa's Hyacinths. I used Poser Unimesh and set SubD to 1.
Listed below are the material, IDL Sphere, SkyDome, and IDL Render settings I used with the Hyacinths.
The same texture map (LB_Hyacinth02.jpg) is used on all of the Hyacinths, so I'm not sure why two are pink while the others are purple.
Diffuse_Color: R 253, G 253, B 253
Diffuse_Value: 0.0
Specular_Color: Black
Specular_Value: 1.0
Highlight_Size: 100.0
Ambient_Color: Black
Ambient_Value: 0.0
Transparency: 0.0
Transparency_Edge: 0.0
Transparency_Falloff: 0.0
Translucence_Color: Black
Translucence_Value: 0.0
Diffuse Channel
Texture Node
- Add New Node > 2D Textures > image_map
- Click Image_Source (None) and browse to and select texture file
- Change Filtering to Crisp
- Connect to Diffuse_Color Channel
Bump Channel
Subtract Node
- Add New Node > Math > math_functions
- Change Math_Argument to Subtract
- Value_2 to 0.5
- Connect to Bump Channel
- Change Bump to 0.001667
Turbulence Node
- Add New Node > 3D Textures > turbulence
- Change x scale to 0.05
- Change y scale to 0.05
- Change z scale to 0.05
- Change Gain to 0.15
- Change Noise_Type to Improved
- Connect to Value_1 of Subtract Node
Alternate Diffuse Channel
Blender Node
- Add New Node > Math > blender
- Change Input_2 to Black
- Change Blending to 1
- Connect to Alternate_Diffuse channel
Alternate_Diffuse: R 239, G 239, B 239
HSV Node
- Add New Node > Math > hsv
- Change Value to 1.1
- Connect to Input_1 of Blender Node
Scatter Node
- Add New Node > Lighting > Special > scatter
- Change Material to Skin 1
- Uncheck User_Material_Color
- Change Texture_Detail to 1
- Change Scale to 1.75
- Connect to Color of HSV Node
Alternate Specular Channel
Blinn Node
- Add New Node > Lighting > Specular > blinn
- Change Eccentricity to 0.25
- Change SpecularRollOff to 0.5
- Change Reflectivity to 1.4
- Connect to Blending of Blender Node
- Connect to Alternate_Specular
- Specular_Color: R 239, G 239, B 239
Turbulence Node 2
- Add New Node > 3D Textures > turbulence
- Connect to Reflectivity of Blinn Node
- Change x scale to 0.02
- Change y scale to 0.02
- Change z scale to 0.02
- Change Bias to 0.8
- Change Noise_Type to Improved
- Connect Texture Node to Color of Scatter Node
- Connect Texture Node to Specular_Color of Blinn Node
TerraDome 2 SkyDome
- Visible checked
- Visible in Raytracing checked
- Light emitter checked
- Visible to Camera checked
Diffuse_Color: R 182, G 237, B 255
Diffuse_Value: 0.0
Specular_Color: Black
Specular_Value: 1.0
Highlight_Size: 0.02
Ambient_Color: White
Ambient_Value: 1.0
Both connected to Image_Source Stratocumulus
(RDNA TerraDome 2 SkyDome texture)
Transparency: 0
Transparency_Edge: 0
Transparency_Falloff: 0
Translucence_Color: Black
Translucence_Value: 0
IDL Sphere
- Visible checked
- Casts shadows unchecked
- Light emitter checked
- Visible in Raytracing checked
- Visible to Camera unchecked
Diffuse_Color: R 204, G 204, B 204
Diffuse_Value: 0.0
Specular_Color: R 153, G 153, B 153
Specular_Value: 0.0
Highlight_Size: 0.1
Ambient_Color: R 237, G 237, B 239
Ambient_Value: 0.6
Transparency: 0
Transparency_Edge: 0
Transparency_Falloff: 0
Translucence_Color: Black
Translucence_Value: 0
Connected to Image_Source Overcast
(RDNA IDL Studio texture)
- Shadows unchecked
- Diffuse IBL
- xRotate: -90
- Intensity: 50%
When using IDL, Visible must be checked on Light emitter objects
When Visible to Camera unchecked, object will not appear in render
I sometimes get better results when I use the IDL Sphere as a not visible to camera Light emitter and use a second smaller IDL Sphere or a skydome as a visible to camera sky background.
Render Settings
- Cast shadows checked
- Subsurface Scattering checked
- Raytracing: 1 bounce
- Irradiance caching: 50
- Indirect Light Quality: 50
- Pixel samples: 10
- Min shading rate: 0.10