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Show Us Your Dawn Renders!


Which game ready version driver gave you an issue? I usually keep my game driver up to date and I've 496.76 running currently on my 2070. No problems at all. My old GTX card however is running 440.something-or-other. I haven't recieved an driver update notice for that card in some time. I haven't needed to use the studio drivers on either card that I can recall though I have heard that some folk have over the years.


Contributing Artist
Which game ready version driver gave you an issue? I usually keep my game driver up to date and I've 496.76 running currently on my 2070. No problems at all. My old GTX card however is running 440.something-or-other. I haven't recieved an driver update notice for that card in some time. I haven't needed to use the studio drivers on either card that I can recall though I have heard that some folk have over the years.

I have updated to the latest GeForce driver 3 times since October, and CUDA was rendering fine on a RTX 3090, but OptiX would crash. I was told the studio driver would work, and it did. It's actually a little faster now, but I don't know how compatible the Studio driver is with other software.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Oh YES!!! Echo hair (and Aloe to some extent) are my favorite Biscuit hairs. I have made so many different styles with Echo, and take it from me, when you find one you really like, write down the settings in case you want to use it again.

I know, you could probably save it for reuse, but I don't always use any of them right after having used it the first time, so the notes always come in handy. :)


Oh YES!!! Echo hair (and Aloe to some extent) are my favorite Biscuit hairs. I have made so many different styles with Echo, and take it from me, when you find one you really like, write down the settings in case you want to use it again.

I know, you could probably save it for reuse, but I don't always use any of them right after having used it the first time, so the notes always come in handy. :)

Yes I also save most of what I create although, like you, I don't tend to use them right after the first render. What tends to happen is that the story jumps backward and forwards so I sometimes need to return to a scene. Also I tend to group certain hair styles to certain parts, for example I have about four that I used on any render based in medieval times. The sci fi section takes a much bigger chunk than the medieval so that are a lot more styles but I still try to keep them grouped so that in a given time period the style change is believable. If one style is very short it is not really conceivable that the same figure can be wearing some plaited hair style in a short period of time. For this reason the renders are saved in folders that cover a specified time period so that I can return and expand that period at a later date.

These uploaded here are a sub set of those renders as there are some that, while they are not explicitly rude, I could not upload here due to the family nature of the site.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I totally understand, though I don't do renders in a story line, so I can jump from one look to another within days.

You know, at first I was a little disappointed with the first couple of Biscuit's hair products, because even though she supplies about 30-40 different types of morphs, she doesn't include ready-to-use morphs like those in the promo images in her store. Sometimes I wish she would, as I can't always duplicate the exact look of one of them I might like. I have, however, gotten pretty used to knowing what morph will do what, so it isn't all that hard to come up with something I like, even for use under a hat. :wink:


I totally understand, though I don't do renders in a story line, so I can jump from one look to another within days.

You know, at first I was a little disappointed with the first couple of Biscuit's hair products, because even though she supplies about 30-40 different types of morphs, she doesn't include ready-to-use morphs like those in the promo images in her store. Sometimes I wish she would, as I can't always duplicate the exact look of one of them I might like. I have, however, gotten pretty used to knowing what morph will do what, so it isn't all that hard to come up with something I like, even for use under a hat. :wink:

I can often jump from one look to another in a matter of days as well, it is just that, once created, the scenes are stored back with renders of a similar setup.

I struggled with Echo hair for a while with dials marked style modern and style fashion it is hard to envisage exactly what they do and on some occasion found spinning a later dial upset a morph I had already applied. This meant I had to go back remove or reduce the effect of earlier morphs but then that is the price of that has to be paid for such flexibility I guess. This has the potential to span a few time zones for me which will simplify life a bit.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
You'll like Echo hair the more you use it, as you'll get used to what each morph does. Then it'll be easier for you to "think" of which morphs you want to apply, and possibly even how much.


Contributing Artist
I have that hair, but haven't used it in a while. I may just have to play with it again. ;)

I only bought hair this time, so I still have a few others to try! :) However, I have rendered 90% less than my usual this year, due to the HW store transfer, and writing so many Poser scripts. I think the dust is starting to settle down now. :)


I only bought hair this time, so I still have a few others to try! :) However, I have rendered 90% less than my usual this year, due to the HW store transfer, and writing so many Poser scripts. I think the dust is starting to settle down now. :)

I am sorry you missed out on rendering time but, on a selfish note, I ain't half glad you created the scripts. I am also pleased that, as of this morning, the Chain Control script is now part of my runtime. The first thing I am going to attempt with it is the refuelling of a spaceship which I have tried in the past but gave up through lack of patience and that was with so say easy pose fuel pipes.

Although I have spent more time with Poser this year have actually produced fewer story renders, I know that may sound strange considering how prevalent my uploading of renders is here but many of them were test renders as opposed to story renders. I good part of this change was due to the Covid lockdown at the end of last year which resulted in going out less and therefore leaving more of my cash to spend on content. I also decided very early on to try and learn more about Poser and try and improve my skills. I am not sure if it was coincidence but I have had five or six of my renders chosen by Rendo for some of their newsletters and other publications this year. I have to admit I get quite a buzz from thinking that anyone would regard any of my renders as having enough merit to inflict them on a wider audience. So all in all, Poser wise at least, it has been a good year for me.

Looking forward, with the price of petrol rocketing and the recent re-imposition of social restrictions in the UK it looks as though the end of this year and start of next is going to be a real case of deja vu. My renders should increase in the first few months as I have a photobook to create, purposely timed earlier than normal, to keep me amused in the winter months when the pandemic combines with flu to increase the risk of another lock down.


Contributing Artist
Thank you Hornet! Hope Chain Control will be as much fun and useful as it is to me. Poser to me is a mix of work, hobby, and therapy. :)


Contributing Artist
Ok, I have finally made a personal render! Yay! I bought this "Yifa hair" by Prae at Rosity during the Black Friday promo, and it came with these ears and tail. I thought, if I am going to render this, I had to "Animenize" DawnSE, and this is what came out. Options to pose the tail were very limited, so I took the opportunity to use my "Chain Control" Python script for Poser 12, which was very useful. This is DawnSE with "Body Type-12" and custom head morph.
