Yeah, it's better to save images for web before uploading them. Usually around 1 MB or so and they will not upload. Again could be the issue. The one I loaded earlier is about 400 KB. Yes you can link to your gallery images here. Although, I have not tried that.I tried the uploading from my computer too but got an "image too large" error. Not sure why; the image sizes weren't any larger than anything else I've posted here.
I'll just try again later. As you said, it could be just more bugs being worked out.
I was able to click on the Marshland image. So that does work.
Are other folks just linking to their gallery images here?
Also too if you are rendering something in the background it sometimes doesn't like that and will be very slow or have an error. I know when I am rendering in DS and then try and upload it sometimes wont allow it.
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