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Show Us Your Dawn Renders!


Contributing Artist
well with eyelashes they would remove them and paint them on I would think, yeah not sure what they would do with the hair :D


Caoimhe seems so sad. Should she dump Turlough or is he her one and only true love?

Is that a Light Sabre behind her head? Other things...Content Creation for Dummies is one of the books behind her head, A book I suspect that has been self textured to represent a new language, and a strange container that I suspect contains Romulan Ale. At least the color is the same. I love Easter Eggs (as we call them here in the states)! Just a bit more going on here besides a sad Caoimhe.

The Caoimhe's relationship, or lack thereof, is a difficult one. Caoimhe lost her first true love on a mission that went wrong, which was partly her fault and therefore she blamed herself for her lover's death. For a few years she felt he could never be replaced, which is one sense is true as flesh and blood men trying to compete with memories is difficult as they never makes mistakes, so any comparison is always in their favour. When Turlough arrived on the scene things changed, firstly he did not seem at all phased in her company, many men were, and he was a good listener. Later, when she found she enjoyed him being around, she discovered that the reason he was unphased in her company was that, despite being attracted to her, she was he felt, well out of his league. The result is that Turlough is reluctant for the relationship to grow and Caoimhe is just simply scared of being in love feeling it will only end in tears (writing this makes it sound as a script for a long running coffee ad)o_O.

Nothing gets past you does it:). Yep that is a light sabre on the shelf and the book title has been changed. This render was not really anything I was doing with a set idea in mind and was really a sort of doodle, trouble was this doodle took the best part of the day to render thanks to Poser freezing twice part way through. The third attempt completed but when I open the .png in PSP it was riddled with transparent dots. The original title of the book was 'Like a banana with a yeast infection' which I had not noticed before pressing render. I was tempted to just give up at that point but I liked it as a portrait of Dawn but I really did not want to start the render from scratch. The majority of the holes were dealt with by adding a couple layers with a suitable coloured fill placed behind and dealing with the few that were left with the clone brush. The book title is another layer just using text tool in PSP. God knows what is in the strange container, it might even be some sort of sci-fi bug killer similar to the fly killers you see in odd places today. What it actually is a piece of equipment from the lab props set from Petitet, scaled and with some texture tweaks.

At some point I think I will do this again but will not only change the books but also the rather modern day box files, annoying I left them in as I had already removed the photographs on the bunk wall as I felt it dated the scene.

Thanks once again for your comments when I get time to play with this render they will be very useful.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist


I sort of owe this thread a proper Dawn render so here is a work in progress. It is another take on the Woodland Outfit by NGArtplay, as in the last time I played with this it is just texture changes, but rather than a everyday outfit I wanted to stay true to the original use. It is a while before it sort of drops into any story which is why it is a WIP as I already have some tweaks in mind.

Scifi Hunter HW.jpg

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I have that outfit, but haven't played with it lately, so don't recall if the boots are part of the outfit. If so, I'm assuming you'll be changing the color to match the lighter blue of the dress/tunic. They also seem to be a bit too shiny, but then again, you said it's a WIP, so look forward to seeing how it progresses. :)


I have that outfit, but haven't played with it lately, so don't recall if the boots are part of the outfit. If so, I'm assuming you'll be changing the color to match the lighter blue of the dress/tunic. They also seem to be a bit too shiny, but then again, you said it's a WIP, so look forward to seeing how it progresses. :)

Thank you for your comments. No the boots are from Evilinnocence, used because they have flat heels. Not sure they will survive the changes but if they do then yes they do need to be toned down.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Ahhhh OK. I didn't think they were part of the Woodland Outfit, but couldn't remember off-hand.


So I have continued to work on the Woodland Outfit and there has been a few changes. The biggest problem I had was trying to find a bow I could use that would allow the chord to be tensioned. I have some great bows that don't seem to be able to adjust the tension at all so can only be used in carry poses and others that have the arrow included as part of the bow. OK I can make the arrow invisible but the the bow is tensioned. Another bow had a tension morph but while the center point goes back, the top just creates sags. As I want the option to use this in a story line I want to be able to use a variety of poses

In the end I ended up with the bow from the V4 Ranger Outfit from 3D Universal.

Scifi Hunter 2 HW.jpg

Main outfit is of course Woodland Outfit by NGArtplay.
The Boots are from the Pachi for Dawn outfit by NightPhoenix.
Pose is from Archery Poses by Artsorcery.