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Remember These???


Remember when we used to use Poser to make Lara Croft figures?:D


I remember when they sold roll caps for toy guns in convenience stores or at the Woolworth's five and dime. I remember the Woolworth's Five and dime.:sneaky:


I had this one...Mattel Agent Zero M Spy Camera Pistol. Press the shutter release and the grip/trigger and barrel popped out. Barrel doesn't stay in anymore. This took those rolls of caps, too. Still have it (no caps, though). I seem to remember having a western six shooter style as well. I don't have that one anymore.



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Earl; in regard to TY Beany Babies. There is a display of them for sale in my grocery I noticed this morning. The latest series (at least in this climate) are Snowy Owl, Black Bear, Raccoon, Puma/Cougar/Mountain Lion and Moose. The cat name would depend on where in the country you live. They are all the same thing. I didn't realize they were still around. They were next to a display of toilet tissue. I don't know if I should read anything into that.


Earl; in regard to TY Beany Babies. There is a display of them for sale in my grocery I noticed this morning. The latest series (at least in this climate) are Snowy Owl, Black Bear, Raccoon, Puma/Cougar/Mountain Lion and Moose. The cat name would depend on where in the country you live. They are all the same thing. I didn't realize they were still around. They were next to a display of toilet tissue. I don't know if I should read anything into that.
My girlfriend at the time used to collect Beanie Babies. I couldn't stand them. Primarily because they seemed to make people who collected them go nuts. Eventually, she decided to give up collecting them and we switched over to basketball cards. I still have them. Kept them in a notebook.


Remember these??? I know you do! :sneaky: What was the first wine you ever started to drink back in the day? I know I've missed some, but I pictured what were the most famous in the 70s to me.



Speaking of Boone's Farm, I had tried Wild Irish Rose when I was a kid. Some adult gave me a sip. But when I turned 18, I tried Boone's Farm and liked it. Of course, I've only tasted the Apple Blossom and Strawberry Hill Flavors.


I'm not a alcohol drinker. When I was in college, I tried Beer and wine. I just wasn't into it. When I had just graduated, I spent a few weekends going out to night clubs and hole-in the wall joints. I was always driving since it was my car, so I never drank. But the main reason I never moved past wine and tried whiskey happened one Saturday night, still in the 70s. We were on our way to the movies to check out the remake of King Kong. My friend's big brother had been at home all day downing a bottle of Brass Monkey. We had stopped at another friends house to pick him up when my friend's brother, suddenly opened the door and start throwing up beside the car. Needless to say, he never did make it to the movies with us that night. I decided that whiskey was not for me.:sneaky:


Remember this?? Well, maybe not. We used to go to the beach with my aunt during the summer, and at night, when we couldn't go swimming we would walk up to the pier where the "nightlife" was. Wasn't much for us kids to do except play with the arcade games. One of those games was Sea Wolf, the submarine game. You looked through a periscope, the ship in the convoy would come along and you had to hit it with with your torpedo. Tricky sucker. It was Battleship, before there was Battleship.:D
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I had friends play the port to computers. :)
Remember Joust? I learned how to write some PC code with this one. Never finished though.
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I had fun with this.


This was my Superman when I was growing up. When I was about 5, my brother Harry told me that Superman had died. I don't remember whether he said died, or killed himself. I said, uhn-uhn, Superman can't die.:cry:


As I understand it, his death is still a bit of a controversy. I have the boxed sets on DVD, except somehow I missed one season. NOw it's incredibly expensive, so my set is incomplete. It's in my wishlist at amazon.


Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
That's the Superman I remember as well. I don't recall anything about his death.


As I understand it, his death is still a bit of a controversy. I have the boxed sets on DVD, except somehow I missed one season. NOw it's incredibly expensive, so my set is incomplete. It's in my wishlist at amazon.

I think it depends on who you ask. I had always heard it was suicide until I got older.


Yeah, it didn't make sense, he was doing well and the show was popular. The earlier Superman, I think his name was Kirk Allen?, lost it and thought he could fly and jumped off a building, from what I remember being told. When Christopher Reeve was thrown from that horse and paralyzed, there was a thing going around that the role of Superman was cursed.
