I did find these though. I'm surprised these weren't banned. We even took these to school and had gun fights with them. We used to play with some dangerous toys when we were kids. 

I think there's a Frisbee Golf group in Raleigh area. I did know where a couple of courses were, but can't recall now.Remember these??? Now, I had a frisbee when I was a kid, but when ours ended up on a roof it had to stay there. Unless you got extremely lucky and the wind blew it down, no one could get it down. So. we would get pie tins and fly those instead.
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I haven't heard about Frisbee Golf since I was in college at NC State in the 80s.I think there's a Frisbee Golf group in Raleigh area. I did know where a couple of courses were, but can't recall now.
Was researching a little today while talking with mom. Gunsmoke ran for 20 years! It started in 1955 and ended in 1975! I was 1 when it started, and already married when it ended!There were so many in the late 50s and early 60s. Gunsmoke, The Rifle Man, The Big Valley, Bonanza, The Virginian, Paladin (Have Gun, Will Travel), The Real McCoys, Daniel Boone, Davey Crocket, Wagon Train, Rawhide, Branded, The Wild, Wild goes on and on!
I wasn't even born when Gunsmoke started, but it started on radio, so the television series was actually a continuation of what started on radio. I graduated the year after it ended. I read the list of westerns listed by Dana and I still object to listing Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, and The Real McCoys as westerns. I will add to the list though with Tales of Wells Fargo, The Lone Ranger, High Chapparal, F Troop, Cheyenne, Laramie, Death Valley Days (my favorite), The Rebel, Wanted: Dead or Alive.Was researching a little today while talking with mom. Gunsmoke ran for 20 years! It started in 1955 and ended in 1975! I was 1 when it started, and already married when it ended!
Dennis Weaver was in it for only 9 years. Then he left to be on his own show...not McCloud...Kentucky Jones.
First time I played was in the late 70's in LA. Never heard of it before then. I live in TO now and have 5 courses within about a mile. A quick Google search shows over a dozen stores catering to the sport as well as Ultimate; another flying disk sport. Those playing golf actually have different disks to represent the different clubs as in the ball sport. Last played just before the pandemic as it is a good sport for those with limited to low impact movement or those just needing a walk.I think there's a Frisbee Golf group in Raleigh area. I did know where a couple of courses were, but can't recall now.
I had one that was baseball one time. The diamond had little guard rails that kept the runner on track. But the movement was unpredictable. And those in the outfield went all over the place.I asked for and got this for Christmas one year. I was happy... at first. Then I realized that the board vibrates and you can't really control where the players move.
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Yep, spent many a quarter on this one. And today I play U-Boat on the PC. Much more sophisticated and difficult. Along with SubNautica, No Man's Sky, Ship Simulator and Myst. (Myst was just re-engineered and released recently. Nice game keeping the atmosphere of the original with the totally open world concept) And my all time favorites: any Tomb Raider that is not a top down maze game (like Temple of Osiris). Working my way through Shadow of the Tomb Raider. About the same evolution as Sea Wolf to U-boat from a graphics point of view. Getting ready to play Conan Exiles on-line with my brother. No wonder I don't get anything productive done.Remember this?? Well, maybe not. We used to go to the beach with my aunt during the summer, and at night, when we couldn't go swimming we would walk up to the pier where the "nightlife" was. Wasn't much for us kids to do except play with the arcade games. One of those games was Sea Wolf, the submarine game. You looked through a periscope, the ship in the convoy would come along and you had to hit it with with your torpedo. Tricky sucker. It was Battleship, before there was Battleship.
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I remember watching Putt-Putt competition on the TV. I couldn't believe people got paid to play a game. Now look...I actually found myself watching a person playing a PC game. And those folks get paid big bucks for playing on-line! (Of course it was one of the designers who gave several tips.) We do take grandson over to 'Adventure Landing' for a round of golf and play for prizes games.Speaking of Golf, Remember this?? My mother used to take my brother and I out to a place on 401 highway called ParGolf when we were kids. I haven't been back since I was about 4 or 5.I think it's still there. Now, I might have to go check it out. We called it PuttPutt Golf when we were kids. It became Mini Golf as we grew older.
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Ohhhh Myst!! I had the original and some extensions many years ago. Haven't played it in very long time.Yep, spent many a quarter on this one. And today I play U-Boat on the PC. Much more sophisticated and difficult. Along with SubNautica, No Man's Sky, Ship Simulator and Myst. (Myst was just re-engineered and released recently. Nice game keeping the atmosphere of the original with the totally open world concept)
Ohh-hh so you want to go old school?? Remember this one?? Spectre Tank. It was my favorite.Yep, spent many a quarter on this one. And today I play U-Boat on the PC. Much more sophisticated and difficult. Along with SubNautica, No Man's Sky, Ship Simulator and Myst. (Myst was just re-engineered and released recently. Nice game keeping the atmosphere of the original with the totally open world concept) And my all time favorites: any Tomb Raider that is not a top down maze game (like Temple of Osiris). Working my way through Shadow of the Tomb Raider. About the same evolution as Sea Wolf to U-boat from a graphics point of view. Getting ready to play Conan Exiles on-line with my brother. No wonder I don't get anything productive done.