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Remember These???


Remember them???


I saw this and had to post it. We used to have one of these when I was a kid. A Rotary Princess phone. I even remember our phone number. It was the same as a local radio station except for one number. We kept getting people calling in for contests and song requests. Our number was TE 3-8374, The radio station's number was TE8-3374.

When we got older, we graduated to a trimline phone. We kept it in my mother's room.

The last phone we had in our house was a wallphone with the longest cord we could find on it.
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This isn't a memory, but did you know? Gospel Singer Shirley Caesar has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. I find that fascinating because I happen to KNOW Miss Caesar. She lives in Durham, NC, which is the next town over from Raleigh. I met Shirley back in the 80s and continued to interact with her into the early 2000s. I used to work at two radio stations where she bought time to preach on Sunday mornings. My program director introduced me to her one morning when she came to the station.


This reminded me of my childhood. We were really poor, and after my father died when I was two, my mother had to go on welfare. She had to stay home and take care of me until I turned six and started first grade, but she eventually got a job as a housekeeper. My mother had to make money stretch, and one of the ways she did that was to start a Christmas Club account at the bank. I started an account when I first started working, but after that, I stopped. I haven't heard anything since about Christmas club accounts. Do they even still have them?


I honestly didn't like the Big Wheel. It was all plastic. I didn't consider it a real tricycle. Tires are supposed to be rubber. :sneaky:


Remember this? I'm thinking of getting this for my "adopted" daughter in New York. :D Whoa! Two hundred dollars?? Think I'll send her a card.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I don't recall what her education/experience was, but I'm sure the fact of her age, and/or her religion, had nothing to do with it.


I remember her, though never watched her show.
I got her book, Everything you wanted to know..., when I was in high school. It was a big buzz with everybody. Never saw her on TV. But that book was in the late '60s.



Remember these??? I never owned any. I actually thought it was a pretty stupid game, but at one point I seem to remember it being kind of popular. My friends and family were into horseshoes. I understand that they were banned in 1988 because people got hurt.


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Remember this? Now two things, I watched the show every Friday night. By then, I was sick of the Brady Bunch. I also think that was when they brought in Cousin Oliver. I also think the Brady Bunch was losing in the ratings to the Partridge Family because that's when they formed their own singing group. The other thing was that I had this album for the longest time. Unfortunately, it got scratched and thrown out.:somad:


Remember these??? I never owned any. I actually thought it was a pretty stupid game, but at one point I seem to remember it being kind of popular. My friends and family were into horseshoes. I understand that they were banned in 1988 because people got hurt.
Yes, they were banned, seems about the right time frame you mentioned. Sure it was fun! Drink a few beers and throw heavily weighted, sharp objects around. What could possibly go wrong?

Seriously though, at work we had to come up with a series of warning labels and cautions for Liability and Responsibility training. We used JARTS for the exercise. The 'instruction manual' needed 1 page for the rules and 15 pages for the warnings.

As a product manager, we had to come up with 'foreseeable unintentional uses' for a new product. Yes, people sit around a table and come up with ways the product can be misused and misapplied. But we humans are a creative group of beings. So, it's a no win game sometimes.

Just so you know, every warning label you see on a product likely came about because someone used the product improperly, got hurt (or worse) and then sued the manufacturer for damages. And, at least partially, they won their case.

Stay safe out there.